New guy looking for a cup of coffee!


New member
Hello fellow coffee drinkers. I found out about this site from one of my cigar smoking buddies (many of whom drink a great deal of coffee...the two seem to go together very well) who thought I should stop by and check out.

Been drinking some wonderful beans for the past couple of years, but am always looking for something new.

My favorites are Cuban Crystal Mt. and Turqino (both Cuban and Jamacian). Cream and sugar for me please...and keep em coming!

I hope to be spending more time here and look forward to talking coffee with the members!

Welcome MrJerry

Welcome MrJerry to the Coffee Forums Site!
Thank you for coming to visit us, and thank your friend for me for tipping you onto this site. Hope you find much conversations you can partake in and of course share some advise with everyone about coffee and the types of beans. I've yet to try Turqino Coffee Beans, tell me a little more about them. :)
Hello MrJerry,
Let me tell you that when I first found this site it was because of a google search on coffee makers.
The fist thing I though when I saw this forum was "Oh my god they are all such geeks"

.... now I am top forum poster, or pretty darn close to it........
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

This place is cool and addictive.