New smilies?


New member
Mar 25, 2003
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Hey I had a little spare time so I made some coffee-bean smilies for our little ol' forum. Do you guys like?

-->big grin
-->Laughing out loud
--> happy!
Custom PHPBB2 Smile Packs

Those are some interesting smiles going on and some nice skills shown with computer graphics. I will add them to the more emotions window as soon as I can. We're also working on custom buttons and icons for the board that match the rest of the site :)

Thanks for your icons, I especially like the caffeinated smiley
well I have just finished a big project, I made the GUI for a new chat program a couple Danish guys are making. I needed to do something silly I guess to "unwind" hee hee.
I can take "requests" if you want more smilies!
Guess We'd need different roasts of beans including the good ol' green coffee bean. :) How does a coffee bean act devilish ( :twisted: ) or Cool ( 8) )

Thanks for your graphical designs :)
Hey I am diggin the coffee cup graphics, keep ém coming
phpBB 2 Custom emotions

How about a few small coffee cup icons. :) I dont think i'd be able to do such small icons anymore. back in the day when I did icons for the macintosh applications I had resedit down pretty good but now I don't have the eye for zoomed in pixelation :)
coffee cup icons for what? how big, and what would they be replacing? I like the ones you have changed so far.
They would be in the 'view more emoticons' list so people could insert steamy cups of coffee. as a smiley :)
Well I got really busy all of a sudden, I have a million sites to get rolled out and/or updated before I go away to the States for 6 weeks (not looking forward to Virgin Atlantic coffee :P ). I'll see if I suddenly get inspired or something 8) before I go.
cup of jo

Look forward to seeing the inspiration shine! Ill drink a cup of jo for you right now to help your be inspired.
notmuffy said:
Hey I had a little spare time so I made some coffee-bean smilies for our little ol' forum. Do you guys like?

-->big grin
-->Laughing out loud
--> happy!
Re: phpBB 2 Custom emotions

CoffeeLover said:
How about a few small coffee cup icons. :) I dont think i'd be able to do such small icons anymore. back in the day when I did icons for the macintosh applications I had resedit down pretty good but now I don't have the eye for zoomed in pixelation :)
New Smileys LoL They mix in well with the yellow ones!
:D :P :-D :x :) :( :lol: Thank you very much!
thanks fo rthe cool coffee bean smilie things . :D

hehe i'll have endless fun with these bouncy beans :)
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