New WAY to mass produce Specialty Coffee Drinks


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Jan 27, 2005
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What do you think of Lattes made with a hot milk frothing machine which dispenses milk at 158 degrees and it also dispenses foamed milk
My formula would be more cost effective,simpler(no milk frothing)faster and more duplicable for employee turnover
a 16 oz would go something like this
8 oz of really great dark custom roasted coffee
8 oz of heated milk+flavors and syrups topped with Foamed milk from that same machine
My customers are not high end coffee pros like you guys here but they are more like the average Dunkin Donut cust
what do you guys think?
:roll: sorry but I think that everyone should be turned on to high end coffee pros like us...why have an inferior product when there are so many places that one can get the best? :roll:
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FLT8303 NYC said:
What do you think of Lattes made with a hot milk frothing machine which dispenses milk at 158 degrees and it also dispenses foamed milk
My formula would be more cost effective,simpler(no milk frothing)faster and more duplicable for employee turnover
a 16 oz would go something like this
8 oz of really great dark custom roasted coffee
8 oz of heated milk+flavors and syrups topped with Foamed milk from that same machine
My customers are not high end coffee pros like you guys here but they are more like the average Dunkin Donut cust
what do you guys think?

~~update you guys are correct we will not call them lattes but rather something like drinkable desserts or specialty drinks the coffee is rather unique its from a ny roaster call Hillier Gourmet it smells like espresso but is a coffee blend without the high espresso price a savings we will pass on to our customers
haha you are a funny guy...selling less than superior product and call it specialty...oh and your site is still down...guess I will see your product at the next show....will keep my mouth shut about it till I taste it..but then again you did say that it was for the customers that are not high end coffee pros...still think that everyone should be educated on quality rather than give them garbage that they will except. As to that my post was dumb...sorry I have given 16 years of my life to teaching people about quality to my last post being "dumb" a truly great espresso should not need flavor....but then again your product is not espresso so I apologies. :oops:
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The Genius In Fla

First idiot, are flavored lattes made to hide inferior espresso?
no its to increase the choices for the consumer and in turn increasing the bottom line and repeat business for the owner coffee is outrageous and if you'd had the smallest idea of what running A NETWORK of locations means you would understand the need for simplicity and duplication Hey living in Jacksonville iam sure you understand being SIMPLE right?
Ever experience a thousand plus customers in a typical day? i thought not
So as for my experience is was a franchisee for the biggest Sr in the world period for 20+ years..but i guess iam in the capital of the world as you kick gator shit in Fla
You'd think someone who operated a "NETWORK" of coffee shops wouldn't be asking a bunch of people on an internet forum about how to create one of his products, and if he did, he would probably have decent command of the english language and wouldn't insult those who gave him feedback.
ummm Idiot? I like the term moron better...I am not from to have I had ever experienced a thousand plus customers in a typical day? hahah hell yeah when I was at the my shop there would blow your high volume shop out of the water...have done over $15,000 for one day. Not even going to mention how much volume I am pushing now.....dude I wasn't trying to be and ass...I apologise...I just don't see the reason to use something that isn't the highest even said this was not for people who are coffee experts or coffee asked our opinion I gave it...and you decided to get poopy. Well have to run...gots a gator in the back yard gettin my pit bull all upset! Sigh wish I could be like a big city slicker like you. Oh yeah...your site is still down. I was going to stop posting about your product and was going to keep an open mind..until I tasted it...but then you called me an idiot for speaking my mind...I will now keep my mouth shut until I taste it. Unless you want to call me more names
About 10 minutes after I posted my response to Mr. Dilullo's brilliant business idea in THIS THREAD, I received an "anonymous" threatening message (man in heavy Brooklyn accent) on my voicemail calling me a "f*cking A-hole."

Didn't sound like my ex-wife... wonder where that message came from, eh FRANK?

Maybe it's something in the donuts?
I agree with Javahead. Although I am a new poster this thread, plus one about Roasting Single origin espresso seem to be very heated. Chill everyone. I think looking at both these threads and the one about the lady being ripped off in America we can see who the protaginists are.