new york city has a gourmet coffee company

black glove coffee

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May 11, 2005
New York
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Are you looking for unique coffee blends that are different and incredibly complex? THese coffees are small-batch, hand-roasted and carefully packaged. THe company has just launched and it is truly different. We have approached coffee blending like wine makers. The blends are limited and can be brewed strongly to really exhibit their taste profiles.

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black glove coffee said:
We've tried to build a gourmet coffee company that offers unique coffee blends that are delicious and incredibly complex. I was tired of the coffee hype and I wanted to create something new. Sort of like a wine maker would create if he tried his hand at coffee blending. These coffees are small-batch, hand-roasted and carefully packaged. The company has just launched. The blends are limited and can be brewed strongly to really exhibit their taste profiles. If you are interested, give us a shout.