Newbe asking the old ?? - Glass lined vs. SS


New member
Oct 31, 2006
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Hey all. This is my first post at CF. I have to say, I have learned so much reading your posts the past few weeks. Since then, I'm proud to say I am a French Press convert! I was on vacation w/out a maker, so I picked up a cheep press. Wow! Couldn't belive the difference!

I need a thermal carafe, though. I do have a good 'ole thermis but I really don't like the taste of the coffee after it sits in it. Would a glass-lined carafe impart less flavor into the coffee? Any product suggestions?

While I've got you. My Bunn shot craps and I think I'm going with a technivorm next. How good is Steel carafe that is part of the KBT 741 series? Or, is it better to stick with the glass carafe (model KB-741) and use another thermal carafe?

I know all of this is usually a matter of taste, but just curious as to any and all thoughts!! Thanks.
jhagertybhs said:
Hey all. This is my first post at CF. I have to say, I have learned so much reading your posts the past few weeks. Since then, I''m proud to say I am a French Press convert! I was on vacation w/out a maker, so I picked up a cheep press. Wow! Couldn''t belive the difference!

I need a thermal carafe, though. I do have a good ''ole thermis but I really don''t like the taste of the coffee after it sits in it. Would a glass-lined carafe impart less flavor into the coffee? Any product suggestions?

While I''ve got you. My Bunn shot craps and I think I''m going with a technivorm next. How good is Steel carafe that is part of the KBT 741 series? Or, is it better to stick with the glass carafe (model KB-741) and use another thermal carafe?

I know all of this is usually a matter of taste, but just curious as to any and all thoughts!! Thanks.

I just recently tried out a Oggi SS lined carafe.

Piece of junk didn't keep the coffee hot even after I warmed it up with hot water before putting in the coffee.

I know my thermos bottle which is glass lined will keep coffee hot for hours.
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