Newbie needs help Incanto Sirius set-up (Fill Water Tank Err


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Jan 13, 2007
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:cry: Newbie to Incanto Sirius machine needs help! Bought for husband''s Christmas present. First machine received (and with exception of twice) did not steam properly (wand not clogged, multiple calls to customer service) - machine replaced relatively promptly. Now trying to set up new machine. Getting repeated message to fill water tank. I have primed machine (four times), Looks like filter is in correctly - but have also tried w/o filter. The mechanism on bottom of water tank does release water when pressed. I''ve gone thorugh all the instructions repeated times. (Had our first machine working great with exception of frother and I typically can follow instructions / set up electronics / machines with relative ease). My husband is about to go balistic. Customer Service not avail on weekends. ANY suggestions appreciated.

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