Help Please: Need Help with Plumbing Questions - Neighbors Coffee Cart


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May 19, 2020
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Hey there!

We are Neighbors Coffee Cart and we're opening up a small electric cart in Los Olivos, California. We're about mid-way through our build out and have some questions on the plumbing setup. This is our first build and we've never plumbed much of anything before, but have scoured the internet and found some useful links, but we're hoping to get some questions answered here.

Basically our coffee cart is built off of an old Taylor Dunn airport utility cart and we'll be serving drip, pour over and cold brew.. with the add on of a double boiler 1 group espresso machine after we open and feel it out.

We're trying to figure out how much fresh water to have on the cart, and then that'll help us determine our fresh water tank size and our waste water tank sizes.

Our coffee machine is a Fetco 2121A (without warmers) for our drip coffee, and two thermos carafes.

Also, the county requires that we have hand-washing on the cart and that we dedicate 5 gallons of water to that. Below are my calulations, but what do you guys think that we'll use for our drip, pour over, and espresso needs?

  • Need 5 gallons of fresh water for Hand-Washing
  • Need 5 gallons of fresh water for Drip Coffee?
  • Need 2 gallons of fresh water for Hot Tea?
  • Need 5 gallons of fresh water for espresso?
  • Need 2 gallons of fresh water for pour over ?

Other Equipment Needs:
- Water pump/accumulator. Quietest as well?
- Fresh/Waste water tanks
- Water Filter?
- Cold Brew dispenser options?
- Water Heater (propane or electric)

Anybody who can lend some help can have free coffee if you ever come to town!

Thanks for reading!
Blair & Emmy

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When it comes to hiring a person for online services, it is difficult for homeowners to determine if they are professional or not. Nevertheless, we need to get a lot of information about how they work to hire them. For this, there are media outlets. I just needed a plumber to change my foundation waterproofing and I found Tornado Plumbing & Drains on Mississauga Plumbing Services that work hard to fulfill all your plumbing needs. And I was impressed with the quality of their work when I ordered help from them myself. They are cool craftsmen and nice guys. All I advise their services
Hello Neighbors Coffee

How are things going with building your coffee cart? Thanks for adding the photos. It looks like it's going to be a really nice set-up.

I had to laugh when I read: "Also, the county requires that we have hand-washing on the cart and we dedicate 5 gallons of water to that."
Considering all of the extra hand washing you'll need to do, especially now-a-days, have you thought about doubling that to 10 gallons? (or more)

Please post photos of the finished coffee cart when you're ready. It will be fun to see it.

~ Rose
Pink Rose I see where your thinking is...but the issue is space. They can have a runner fetch water when it gets low. I really want to see the finished product. It looks like it will be super cool.
Neighbors Coffee Updates!

Hey Rose,

Things are moving along. The build is nearing completion. Still need to paint and finish the countertop (photos below). I think we're going to get stuck in the paperwork/permitting process for a bit though. We were anticipating opening up in the next month or so, but we're learning that things may take a little longer.

Regarding the sink, and why I don't want it is yes, definitely space. Regarding staying sanitary, we'd rather have a hand sanitizer station or a very small hand washing sink, instead of a bulky 9x9x5 to code sink. We will have sanitizer on the cart anyways, so I don't think well have a problem with only 5 gallons.

Most of the issues I asked about in this post have been resolved. I am getting a 20 gallon fresh water tank, and a 15 gallon waste water tank. We are using all pex plumbing and went through the website supply house for all of our fittings. We went through Ronco Plastics. They were great and helped custom size our tanks and where the fittings go.

For cold brew, we purchased a small nitro setup, using a 2.5 gallon corny keg and tap system. We used our local brew supply store for most of those needs, however finding food grade nitro in a small enough tanks has been kinda tough. Any help there would be greatly appreciated.

For our Water pump/accumulator, we used the Shurflo 4008 pump and 181 201 for the accumulator and an Everpure water filtration system.

On thing we recently learned is that we'll need to be approved by our HDC committee. They approve house/builds etc.. Since we are so small, most of what applies in that permit doesn't seem to apply to us. Does anybody have any experience dealing with them?

Updated photos:
unnamed-1.webpNeighbors Coffee_62920_1.webp

Future countertop:

Hello Neighbors Coffee

How are things going with building your coffee cart? Thanks for adding the photos. It looks like it's going to be a really nice set-up.

I had to laugh when I read: "Also, the county requires that we have hand-washing on the cart and we dedicate 5 gallons of water to that."
Considering all of the extra hand washing you'll need to do, especially now-a-days, have you thought about doubling that to 10 gallons? (or more)

Please post photos of the finished coffee cart when you're ready. It will be fun to see it.

~ Rose
Many health departments require the waste tank to be around 10% bigger than the fresh water tank.

Yes, but because I won't be preparing any potentially hazardous food, and I don't need a three compartment sink, and only hand washing, my tanks are good and approved.
Well, I think that in order to be well equipped it is better to consult a specialist or a company that provides plumbing services. Only in this way you'll be sure that everything is fine and you can work without the fear that something bad may happen. I remember a while ago, I was looking for a professional who specializes in solar hot water repairs. Fortunately, the man that helped me with my problem works in a big plumbing company, and offers help from hot water emergencies to commercial plumbing. So, you can contact him if you still need professional help.
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Figured it out!

Thanks for the helpful suggestion, but I moved forward with youtube tutorials and plumbing blogs. Carts almost done. A fair amount of changes from where it started, but it's almost ready for the health inspection.
Thanks for the helpful suggestion, but I moved forward with youtube tutorials and plumbing blogs. Carts almost done. A fair amount of changes from where it started, but it's almost ready for the health inspection.

Thanks for the update. It's great to see that you're moving along with the project and that you're making good progress. Please share more photos as time goes by.
Good luck with the inspections, I hope it's all smooth sailing for you.

~ Rose
I know there are companies that can help you to assemble a very nice coffee cart. You just need to pay some money and they will do everything for you. Also, I guess that you can take a look on These are real professionals that knows what is plumbing and can easily fix everything you want for a good price. My brother has a coffee cart as well and he always repairs it with the help of these guys. So if you have some questions about plumbing, you can ask them, I am sure they know everything!
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From my point of view, I think that you must hire a specialist to look up about all the system that is regarding plumbing. It's very important to keep your house safe from this point of view.
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