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Published February 19,

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Renato Bialetti's ashes were buried in a stovetop espresso maker. (AP)

Renato Bialetti, the coffee king whose name is synonymous with the iconic aluminum stovetop esspresso makers, died last week at the age of 93.

In an unusual and strangely befitting tribute, the ashes of this well-known Italian coffee impresario were placed in a giant Moka pot, which he made famous, at his funeral this week in Montebuglio, Italy.
Bialetti didn’t invent the Moka. He just made it famous. A man named Luigi di Ponti designed the appliance in 1933 and sold the patent to Renato’s father Alfonso Bialetti, an aluminum vendor.
Bialetti took the modest sales of his father’s company, which had only manufactured 70,000 pots when he gained control in 1947, and spearheaded a massive marketing campaign across Italy for the pots, which were branded with a mustachioed caricature.
L’omino con i baffi, the little man with a mustache, remains a widely-recognized symbol in Italy today.

Bialetti’s Moka-shaped urn now lies in the family plot in Omegna, Italy.

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Sad to hear of his death, but that is a pretty cool urn for his ashes!

I just started using my Moka pot again (not a Bialetti, another Italian brand, Vigano) and appreciate the fact that he popularized the Moka pot to the extent that it reached our shores here in the USA. A nifty way of making some pretty decent coffee, I think, though I still need to perfect my method of making it.

RIP, Mr. Bialetti. If there is a heaven, I hope you get to enjoy some good coffee there!

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