numbers of Coffee Roaster Comany in Sdyney


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Sep 21, 2004
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Hi eveyone,

One of my friends is going to migrate to Sydney and he wants to know how many coffee roaster company there are in Sydney. If possible, he wants to open a small coffee business there. Who can help us to offer the information about this? Thanks a lot.

There are plenty coffee roasters in Sydney.
Some of the smaller ones with high quality that I know of include Campos and Single Origin. Larger ones like Voodoo are also very good. But its a very competitive market with high standards. Good Luck!
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Thank you very much for your reply. And would you please advise how many roasting companies are there in Sydney? Thanks a lot.

Hi Cynthia, I couldnt give you exact numbers(I am in another state) but at a guess,in excess of 20(not including those who only retail), add to that all the roasters/impoters servicing the area and it could be as many as 30+.
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Hi nzroaster,

Thank you very much for your help. Your information is very useful.

With best regards.