Opening a coffee shop in a hospital


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Nov 17, 2022
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Hello coffee lovers, like many of you, my passion for the coffee, and the coffee industry is unexplainable, after working in an independent coffee shop and a hospital for over a year, I have realize that this is my passion, and dedication. I have applied for an LLC, And been approved. While this is my first step I will not stop until I reach my goal Of owning my own shop preferably in a hospital. I am unsure of how to go about this, if anyone can help direct me Any advice, guidance, or help of any sort would be greatly appreciated
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Thank you so very much for your response, I have a business plan drafted already. Thanks to your advice I have Set up an appointment with SBA in my district. Hoping they can give me good direction, and guidance to kiosk/ set up shop in hospital.
Thank you so very much for your response, I have a business plan drafted already. Thanks to your advice I have Set up an appointment with SBA in my district. Hoping they can give me good direction, and guidance to kiosk/ set up shop in hospital.
Getting a SCORE adviser to review my business plan was one of the best things I did. Just double and triple all of your cost then add 10%... error on the side of caution. If things can happen in small business it will.
Opening up a coffee shop a hospital is already a failed business. I suppose your business plan would be to actually make money. Not Going to happen in a hospital.
That is far from true Mr. Pourover. Why such a Debbie Downer? There is a captive audience in a hospital. What most people assume is that the doctors will be the ones drinking expensive drinks. That is just not the case. The maintenance people are your money-makers! I did learn not to ask people how they are doing when I helped a friend out in their kiosk in a hospital. Good luck sourdoll!! Let us know how you make out.