Java Rocks Tony
New member
I am wanting to get an oven to test the market here for fresh baked goods. I am toying with the idea with the Otis Spunkmeyer 1/4 size oven. I understand it can cook 3 doz cookies at a time, but I am wanting to bake muffins and other pastires too. anyone have good luck using an Otis Spunkmeyer Oven for other than cookies? I am open to suggestions too.
I have considered the other 1/4 size manufacturers, as well as Blodget, Vulcan etc for 1/2 size ovens. I can't see any use in full sized yet. I also wanted to keep the initial expense down too until I can see how these fresh baked goods do. I currently sell a good amount af Sam's Club muffins, and pre-packaged pastries. Something about the smell of fresh bakery that makes a patron buy on impulse, just like the smell of fresh gourmet coffee. That's what I am trying to do.
I have considered the other 1/4 size manufacturers, as well as Blodget, Vulcan etc for 1/2 size ovens. I can't see any use in full sized yet. I also wanted to keep the initial expense down too until I can see how these fresh baked goods do. I currently sell a good amount af Sam's Club muffins, and pre-packaged pastries. Something about the smell of fresh bakery that makes a patron buy on impulse, just like the smell of fresh gourmet coffee. That's what I am trying to do.