Oxydizers - How effective are they?


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Mar 29, 2007
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I'm hoping to move my roasting operation to a new location but I'm worried that the neighbours will be put off by the smoke and smell. I'd like to buy an oxidizer or afterburner for my IR-12. Will this eliminate the smell/smoke or just reduce it?

Does anyone know where I can see one of these machines in action (close to Western Canada if possible)?
Properly installed and operating, an afterburner or thermal oxidizer can effectively reduce or eliminate aroma and particulate emissions.
Your equipment vendor should be able to refer you to several customers in your area. You might also try posting the details of equipment you use plus the equipment you are considering and request feedback from other folks who may have personal experience with models like yours. You may even find a few open-minded peers willing to share plant tours and drinks. :grin:
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Thanks CafeBlue,

I currently have a Diedrich IR-12 and I'm looking at the Diedrich IR Series Catalytic Oxidizer.

I guess I should also ask whether oxidizers are as effective as afterburners? I believe they're more energy efficient, but my priority is reducing aroma and particulate emissions.