Pet Peeve Buying or Selling


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Oct 9, 2007
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I see a lot of people that want to buy, or sell something. PLEASE,PLEASE, dont make someone pull your teeth to get the information.
If you want to buy, or sell tell us what you have for sale. Do NOT say, I have a coffe shop for sale, or I want to buy an espresso machine.
Tell us WHAT you want to buy or want to sell.
I have spoken to several people selling a coffee shop or wanting to buy equipment, and I hate pullling teeth.

If selling, say: I have a shop in Dallas Texas, 1,000 sq. feet, 34,000 day traffic count, 22K in revenue per month average the past 18 months, Rent is 1250 month. utilities 750.00, labor 2 full time and 1 part time, total payroll 8,200 month including SS,UE, FITA etc. GOGS 6,200. Equipment included is XXX
Asking, 100K, will finance with 1/3 down.

Now I know what you have and if I am interested. Dont make me ask that same question 15 times to get those numbers from you.
In the above example, there is an EBITDA of 5,500 month
That business is worth about 100K IMHO

Now if you want to buy, say: Looking for a used espresso machine, 2 group, semi auto, prefer XX or XX brand. Willing to pay 2,000- 2,700 depending on condition and location.

SAve yourself and everyone else some time and typing, TELL US

Rant over :-D
While we are on pet peeves.....

Is it really necessary to use that many abbreviations and acronyms....can't you take the time to spell out "Cost of goods sold" instead of COGS for the less experienced out there....just a thought.
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Sorry BVAD, COGS, Cost Of Good Sold, EBITDA Earnings Before Interest TAxes Deprication Amatorization, SS Social Security, UE UnEmployment, FITA Federal In The Ass Taxes

ElPugDiablo, agree but, you need to at least tell someone enough so they know if they are interested or not.
Re: Sorry

davidwhatley said:
Sorry BVAD, COGS, Cost Of Good Sold, EBITDA Earnings Before Interest TAxes Deprication Amatorization, SS Social Security, UE UnEmployment, FITA Federal In The Ass Taxes

ElPugDiablo, agree but, you need to at least tell someone enough so they know if they are interested or not.

Hi, David... Rant away! OMG. And, YES!!!! IMHO important info like the LOCATION OF YOUR PLACE!! Dear God, tell me where you are! Sorry... FWIW, someone posted about a trailer on the "East Coast" and never replied back to the pm's, emails, or posts. :evil: Then, I learned, that the "East Coast" was nowhere near me. It's like saying, "I want to buy a roaster..." when you're really looking for something HTF like a vintage Probat 20+kilo machine. :roll:

EPD: I agree, I wouldn't want to post too many details, just enough to give someone an idea.

BVAD: Not to offend you, but someone serious about starting or buying any kind of business should know them before they hit this site. A lot of times the bank will use those acronyms... its not just for typing, sometimes its what they are called.
No offense to anyone participating in the thread but, my point was what is o.k. for one person, may be annoying to others.

I would view someone's "for sale" post with a suspicious eye if they didn't list very many gives you a clue as to that person's business practices, attention to detail, etc.

If you don't like a person's ad or it frustrates you.....don't respond. Ahhh, but if I do that, I might miss out on a good deal! That's the price for bargain hunting; you have to look under a lot of rocks.
I still agree with David's OP. I think some people either mean to include more info. Plus, things don't always translate when posting. But if you really want to buy or sell something you need to include pertnent info. Plus, if you look back and see posts that had little or no response were the posts that were pretty vague.

BVAD: And, yes, the info in the post (FS/ISO) does give you some good insight into the poster.