Philips Machine


New member
Sep 18, 2004
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Hey everyone,
I recently received a Philips coffee maker as a gift from someone, but I find myself pouring out any cup I make with it, because it seems to give the coffee a really strange taste, this has been true with every brand of coffee I try with it. I just use tap water in this machine. How much of a difference can a machine make on the taste of coffee? By the way, the inside of the machine actually smells like this taste that it lends it.

Another strange thing about this machine is that I can't seem to find it anywhere on the Philips website, and the label that has the product number on it looks completely different from the example shown on the site.
The Philips machine is the Senseo. You can find it at Maybe not the exact model, but that is the site.

As far as the taste, we have evaluated all the single cup machines on the market as well as most of the roasters who make coffee for them.

Some of the odd smell in the brewer may be related to the heating element and the plastic. Is it like new car smell? If so, it is the plastic not the water or the coffee. It will probably go away with time, though you'd need to run it through many cycles.

As far as pods themselves, regardless of the roaster, the coffee generally is not specialty grade and the packaging on a pod generally is more prone to oxygen contamination that makes the coffee stale.

Many of the new single cup machines are nicely priced convenient ways to get an unpleasant to medicore cup of coffee.
No... the machine I have is veeeery different from the "Senseo" on the site you posted. This doesn't use pods, it's just a "normal" coffee maker with filters and ground coffee etc... It's made of plastic and looks something like the white Philips machine on the top left corner of this site, except it has a metal, not glass carafe (actually I hate the carafe most about this machine, I can never seem to get all the coffee out unless I take the lid of and tip it completely upside down over the cup).
Philips Cafi Delice Thermal Coffee Maker HD7612 ... ffee_Maker

I'm not familiar with this machine. But I do know a little about metal carafes. If you are getting a strange smell, I would try two things. First, i would take hot water from a tea kettle and pour it into the carafe. Do you get the smell or not? If you do, massive cleaning is in order. There may also be a leak in the one of the seams and something might have gotten in and started to mold.

If the carafe is fine, I'd brew water through the brewer into a 4 cup glass (preferably pyrex) measuring cup or some other glass/odorless/tasteless container. If the water is nasty smelling, follow the instructions about cleaning and deliming the brewer. If there are not directions, you can probably find them on line. Urnex, vinegar and other cleaners work. I would definitely make sure it was something non-toxic. No bleach.

Good luck.
Once again, not the machine (but I appreciate all your searching!!!), however I spose it doesn't matter so much, I'll follow your advice on metal carafes. Thanks alot!
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