Pixsti site, feedback about it''s usefulness


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Feb 3, 2007
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I just made a site for a lady called - her little invention is called a Pixsit.

(not supposed to put URL''s in these messages but it''s dot com)

I do not drink coffee myself, and so was wondering about the usefulness of her product - I mean should I tell her to expect sales, or are the coffee machines, espresso machines and starbuck places really taking over so that her little invention is already outdated - I certainly don''t know.

What she did was made a little tool to help a person who uses coffee filters in their coffee machines so that you can get a coffee filter out of the package. She told me that she had struggled to do so for years, (she''s in her 70''s), as they are pretty tightly packed together. She is asking me, (and I know I need to drive coffee related people to her site, which I intend to do with pay-per-click) but she is asking me, is this little thing she made going to really sell a lot... I was researching coffee websites and came to this one, and thought maybe you all could tell me this - who in here uses coffee filters... I mean if 10 people reply and only 3 use them, you know at least that gives me a sample of some sort of the percentage of coffee drinkers that actually use filters.. because I have NO idea I have never drunk coffee...

Anyway thanks for reading, hopefully you can help - - - - -

Do you use coffee filters in whatever \"machine\" you use at home? Do you even HAVE a machine at home?

I hope these are not stupid questions, and no I am not trying to drum up sales, just answer the questions if you would be so kind! and thanks a bunch!! :)

I think she would be better served to approach one of the filter manufacturers and selling her idea to them. When I worked in big offices I did always hear people griping about pulling apart filters.

I mean she's seventy and its not a big product(money making I mean) and would think immediate cash in hand would be a better plan. If she is a cute old lady she should make a home-made commercial and send it to them, assuming she has it patented.
How much are they?

I agree with Equus, selling these online is not going to be a huge money maker. She would be better off to get these into Wal-mart or some other chain. People still use paper filters and there are a lot of seniors out there who would get some use out of something like this.
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Thanks for the input! I was curious about this, it is a "utility" that is used in conjunction with a different thing... and I was not sure about utility items like this selling on their own. Put it next to a pack of filters at the store and maybe get sales, but.... she wanted this on-line, it's her dream, and I think she hopes some guy will come and buy her out...

Thanks again!
With a lot of specialty items when the consumer is not aware of the category no one will be searching for it. My company had done a handbook site and was positing high in Google, Yahoo and MSN but the volume of searches for this niche was really low, much lower than our research showed.

Conversely a friend of mine had written a book on how to prosper online back in the 90s. He hardly sold any copies of the book until a “marketing” guru came across and it, thought the category was worth pursuing and mentioned my friend’s book as a good way to get started. Sales were good after this.

What’s needed for Pixsit is some publicity. I’m sure there is some news agency out there that would want to promote a senior friendly product that was invented by a little old lady. Then it’s a matter of having someone with a good fulfillment team (eg. Amazon) to handle the distribution.
Selling the pixsit on other websites?

Does your client insist on her very own site or would she be content to have it available on others websites? I don''t have a site up and running yet, but I would like to have them as an add-on, maybe not so much as a moneymaker, but more as an incentive. Hopefully my customers would think of me each time they used their Pixsit. Put me down for a gross.