Please DO NOT use a website address for your user name.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 28, 2008
Near Philadelphia, PA
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Hello Prospective New Members,

We are happy that you are thinking about joining the Coffee Forums. We always enjoy welcoming new members.

When you are ready to sign up for the Coffee Forums, please do not select a website address as your user name for your account.

We want to avoid potential problems with people using the Forum for free advertising for their web sites or businesses. If you use a website as your user name, you will look like you're SPAMMING the Forum, and we try very hard to keep this Forum SPAM free.

Please review the Forum rules page (especially rule #2) here:

We appreciate your help in this matter, and we're looking forward to welcoming you as a new member soon.

(one of the Forum Moderators)
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Also, don't try to log in using someone else's username. I got an email dated 8/14 advising someone tried logging in using *my* username 5 times. So, "Benoit Grange", IP (should I post your address in Paris, too? Because I have it.), knock it off.
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Also, don't try to log in using someone else's username. I got an email dated 8/14 advising someone tried logging in using *my* username 5 times. So, "Benoit Grange", IP (should I post your address in Paris, too? Because I have it.), knock it off.

It's great that the Forum sends us alert messages when this kind of thing happens.

It may help to know that you are not alone. The same thing has happened to other members recently, and luckily whoever is doing it hasn't been able to guess the passwords within five tries.


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