Please give me some advice, need help

Hi, by reading situation it resignated with me so much I had to reply. I too love coffee, and remembering when I felt like I was consuming too much caffeine, I was told to drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day for about 30 days. This helped me and I'm sure it will for you!
Robbiedavids, have you quit also other cafeffeinated beverages like tea ?
coffeedistributor , this is exactly what people do. They add salt and avoid caffeine/ethanol as well.
Hello all,
I am new here to the forum.
I am a 43 year old female and a coffeeholic ... LOVE my coffee .. LOVE IT

BUT, for the last year and getting worse as days go by .. I am having major problems w/ just everything .. it's hard to put into words .. I am having difficulty concentrating, I have no patience anymore, I am very Tense and very depressed and I have absolutely no energy. I don't have any health problems, but anymore I feel like I can barely keep it together mentally and emotionally ... I know flooding my system w/ caffiene is certainly not helping the situation.

2 years ago I was a very fit, very vital , relaxed , happy and enthusiastic girl and now I am on EDGE ... ALL the time..

My question is has anyone else experienced any adverse effects from drinking coffee ? I am beginning to think the coffee is finally taking its toll on my health. I have tried and tried to cut back or quit but it's just impossible.

Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks a bunch.

Drinking Coffee makes me nervous all the time. That's why I drink coffee now moderately.
hazelnice, just after one coffee you are nervous ? Does tea have the same effect on you ?
Hoping that the original poster (Penelope) was able to overcome her issue...that said, if you're drinking a moderate amount of coffee (2-3 cups a day), sleeping a good amount (7-8 hours a night), and drinking water regularly, and you still have the kinds of issues she described in her post, then a trip to the doctor is a definite must.

Nice Discussion good to know that, i have some different opinion on this if i say then
may be you people kicked out me.. :( so silent is best solution.... for me :D
Here is some great tips how you can avoid caffeine and makes your body perfect just like here i mention all the tips.
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Despite myths, a controlled amount of coffee is beneficial to the human body. I drink it for the antioxidants and the stimulating effects of caffeine.
Yes Penelope, Your symptoms look like classic signs of dehydration...Have u ever seen hydration therapy ?

Also coffee is very toxic, beside caffeine, contains opiate antagonist and muscarinic agonist. And it increases inflammation which can affect brain chemistry.

U should switch to tea, and then to water completely removing caffeine.
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