Hello all,
I am new here to the forum.
I am a 43 year old female and a coffeeholic ... LOVE my coffee .. LOVE IT
BUT, for the last year and getting worse as days go by .. I am having major problems w/ just everything .. it's hard to put into words .. I am having difficulty concentrating, I have no patience anymore, I am very Tense and very depressed and I have absolutely no energy. I don't have any health problems, but anymore I feel like I can barely keep it together mentally and emotionally ... I know flooding my system w/ caffiene is certainly not helping the situation.
2 years ago I was a very fit, very vital , relaxed , happy and enthusiastic girl and now I am on EDGE ... ALL the time..
My question is has anyone else experienced any adverse effects from drinking coffee ? I am beginning to think the coffee is finally taking its toll on my health. I have tried and tried to cut back or quit but it's just impossible.
Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks a bunch.