Please help on Start-Up costs. Need advice....


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Feb 15, 2005
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I am opening a coffee shop later this year. I know this is really an open question with lots of variables. However, what do you think the average cost of equipment averages in a new shop. Just equipment, grinders, espresso makers, refridge, sinks....25K? could this cover it or am I looking significantly more. I want good quality stuff, not the best, but good.
Thanks for you response and if you simply want to shout out a number without any description, that is fine as well. I will take all advice.
Thanks and Cheers
Espresso machines range $4000 - $10,000 new. Coffee brewers $1000 - $3000. Espresso and Coffee Grinders $750 - $2000. For general appliances go to local retail store aka (Best Buy, Lowes, Home Depot) and price it out.

It not uncommon for people to get 1 or 2 espresso machines, 1 coffee brewer, 2 espresso grinders (reg and decaf), and 2 bulk grinders (flavored and unflavored coffee). Figure if that is all new, it would most like run you around $15,000 +- $2000.

In my calculation I didn't include a 2nd espresso machine. If you can afford one, get it. This way you always have a backup. People forget this all the time and when you mix that with poor maintenance, they are up the creek when their only machine breaks. Nobody wants to go get a Latte and read that sign!

One other thing, when purchasing or leasing your equipment make sure your repair service has a loaner program. If you can’t afford duplicates of everything this will sure help
In my calculation I didn't include a 2nd espresso machine. If you can afford one, get it.

Really? What kind of machine are you working with that breaks down so regularly? I have yet to see a total machine failure in cases where a new system has been installed and maintained properly.

The budget that you recommend for the initial purchase of an espresso machine alone seems reasonable for many cases, however, perhaps it would be better to set aside funds for routine preventative maintenance and a good water treatment system rather than that backup espresso machine.
La Marzocco-
Linea 3 Group
= 1 machine investment
= pretty much the best machine around.

(I would "guess" 80% of owners/Barista would agree with this statement)
Well just had a reason for a 2nd espresso machine 3 days ago. Steam pipe fitting on a Cimbali broke. It was dumping enough steam that we felt it was wise to shut down the machine until we could get it replaced or capped off. Hence the 2nd machine. Plus the coffeehouse does enough business that it is unwise for them not to have a backup.

But I have seen where the water probe failed and ran the boiler out of water. The high limit on some machines is not fast enough to stop the element from overheating and failing.
SanFranciscoNative said:
I am opening a coffee shop later this year. I know this is really an open question with lots of variables. However, what do you think the average cost of equipment averages in a new shop. Just equipment, grinders, espresso makers, refridge, sinks....25K? could this cover it or am I looking significantly more. I want good quality stuff, not the best, but good.
Thanks for you response and if you simply want to shout out a number without any description, that is fine as well. I will take all advice.
Thanks and Cheers

Contact me for quality used equipment if you want to save on start-up costs. If you want a warranty, I'll sell new equipment too.
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