Please someone explain the difference...


New member
May 30, 2006
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I am trying to understand the terminology (not being a barista) and the differences between cappuccinos and lattes, etc...

What is the difference between steamed milk and frothed milk? What is foamed milk? Are froth and foam synonymous or is there a difference?

And having a regular stovetop espresso (Bialetti) maker, is it possible to somehow create the steam or froth externally (without machine attachments)?

Thanks for any clarification!

Being new also I may have this not entirely correct. A cappuccino is 2oz espresso 2 oz steamed milk and 2 oz foam.

A latte is espresso amounts depends on size of drink is say 2oz espresso and then steamed milk.

steamed milk is steamed to approx 140 degress and the foam is what is raised to the top by tipping the pitcher enough to causing the milk to roll adding air.

I think that is right.
Thanks rebelbrew for clarifying! Can you or anyone go into more detail about the appearance and consistency of steamed as opposed to frothed or foamed? I think I understand *theoretically* the process, but I'm not sure I could id the different textures.

Also any taste /texture references would be most welcome!

Also, what does steaming process do to the milk? (and can one steam via stove or would this be *scalded*?

Sorry rebelbrew. You explained what the air does to the milk. :lol:
Though I still don't understand whether steamed can be created at home on the stove by just heating the milk (And then whipping it)- or does this just create *scalded*milk?

Thanks again for any advice!

I'm still confused about the difference in froth and foam (I believe I understand foam to be like a thicker/ more tightly knit porous substance that floats on the top....but then what is froth?) Is froth just like bubbles of milk?

Sorry if I'm making this more complicated than it is. :D
Also, does the texture of steamed milk change too much - making it frothier?

this is so old but, latte is espresso, steamed milk then to poured foam on top, a cappuccino is the same amount of espresso used in any latte (depending size) and then it is just all foam with a little bit of milk poured after to foam in placed in the cup. Also a wet capp is have foam half milk (still more foam then a latte) and a dry cap is all foam. Foam always goes before milk in a cap and vice versa for a latte.
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