Pod type machines


New member
Aug 26, 2008
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I''m looking for a \"pod\" type machine,
What does the group think about these, I have a PASQUINI Livia 90 at home but need a machine that works from pods for my shop...cant really deal with grinding, tamping etc
I would highly recommend the Senseo machine. I have one and I love it. Also, I find that if you put the unused pods in the freezer you do not get a stale taste as the freezer keeps them fresh. I would google the Senseo machine and see if it is the right kind for you. If you have any questions, let me know =]
Hi Daka

Dont get me wrong but what exactly is it about tamping and grinding your own coffee that puts you off?
Before I got a proper esrpesso machine for my shop, we sold french press, which was successful and when I pitched up with my Rancilio my staff nearly fainted...they were terrified by the thing, all worried that either the thing will explode on them, or theyll burn themselves with the steam or something, but it didnt take long (less than a few weeks) before they all realised that life would be very tough without one. also, the machine itself has become like a showpiece aswell...people are fascinated by the steam spraying everywhere when they clean the nozzles or the portafillers...
Im not saying dont go for the pod machines, just rethink it...

I am on my second machine now (Monroc) and Im opening another shop, all with the same machines...Im sure you would be better off with one than with the pod.

Let me know , would love to hear.
Well put Cindy. Pods have a place, but I would have doubted that place was with any one seriously devoted to quality coffee. I have nothing but admiration for the way Phillips along with partner Doewe Egberts have clobered the home market in Holland and other parts of Europe. However...pod owners in Indonesia cant get them here and revert to Fresh Roast and Ground- inevitably telling me (the roaster) they had forgotten just how good fresh coffee is. I have to agree with you- how easy(and how good) is French Press Coffee up against a Pod????
Thanx for the reply Alun
We here in south africa are facing the same problem with the pod machines.
I dont own one myself, but ive had people knock on my door plenty times, asking if i cant somehow supply them with pods for their machines, mostly because they bought them with the best intentions from large chainstores in the bigger cities, and in the small towns you just cant find a supplier.
I enjoy a french press, and i have to admit, once youre spoilt with your own roast and blend, youre always after something else when you taste the pods.
Around here, douwe &egberts isnt as big as russell hobbs.
Russell Hobbs has put its mark on the south african (domestic) coffee market. they have a very wide range on filter machines, and due to a very large portion of south africans that arent educated in espresso yet, the filter machines are doing extremely well...to such an extent that i am now supplying russell hobbs machines myself...i have alot of faith in the product.
Pods are fine for domestic use...stick to espresso for better quality coffee.
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