Press Releases


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Mar 7, 2003
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Feel free to publish your coffee company's press releases here on coffee forums.

The only request is that you prepend your topic title with a PR -.
For example: "PR - announces new B2B forum" would be a perfect example.

Introduce yourself on the forums, but get your company name out there here!
Three way link exchange needed for my website

Hello everyone!

I would like to make three way link exchange with any good and interesting high PR coffee site. I have a coffee website where i can add your links as well.

If anyone is interested,please contact me at [email protected] and i wil show you my backlink sites available.

I need good sites for exchanging links, high PR more than 3 preferable, cached date, no more than 40 outbound links and no directories,please.

Thanks and regards

PR - Creative Studios Releases Software Project for Cafes!


Hi, Cafe Owners!

I'm writing on behalf of Creative Development Studios based in Australia. We are hoping to gather cafes around the world to join us in this fantastic opportunity.

We are currently designing software for Cafes for a really cheap price! I'm hoping to gather a bunch of cafes that are interested in purchasing software for Sales Analysis, Stock Control, Point of Sale, Payroll. Any other features that you may require can be developed and put on a separate cost share, the details will then be sent to other cafes involved in the project and they can choose to share the cost with you.

The idea is that we will split the cost of the development between all the cafes that sign up for this project. Then once the functionality has been developed, you get to design the front end which will be unique to your cafe. I hope to get 50+ cafes involved in this project.


Shared between everyone involved of the project. Estimated Cost: $44,000AUD (50 Cafes = $880AUD each)

- Sales Analysis and Financial Reporting

- Expense Claims

- Contacts (Your suppliers and any other contacts you may have)

- Personal Finance (Budgeting tools keep you on top of your spending and saving goals)

- Asset Depreciation

- Stock Control and Purchase Orders

- Point of Sale

- Payroll (Tax tables and leave management)

Stationery, such as Purchase Orders, Payslips and any other documents you may require, uses a Microsoft Word Template which can be modified to suit you. You can change column headings, add your logo, changes the colour scheme, add terms and conditions all within Microsoft Word.

You can also add any functionality that may be required to give you more you time!


The design will be unique to your Cafe (+ $240AUD). You can have the option of having the standard layout to cut down costs.

Examples of our software to give you an idea of what our products look like:

Business Management Design.jpg Payroll.jpg Blue.png

If you're interested, please post on our thread: Software Package for Cafes Only! - Cost Share

Details Required: Cafe name, location (including country), email address and your budget (Specify currency).

Your budget is important, because the cost will be split between how many cafes we get signed up for this project. If the cost ends up being higher than your budget, we will notify you that the project is over your budget and you can choose to accept the cost or choose to not be involved in the project.

Currently we have 18 Cafes signed up for this project in Melbourne as of the date this thread was posted!

Any questions please send me a message!

PR - Creative Studios Releases Catering Project up for Cost Share!



We are currently up to 18 cafes signed up and we are now looking into Catering. This application will accept orders via your website and send the order to your closest store with all the details. You will then be able to accept the order and modify the delivery date if required. This project will be financed by a new and up coming chain of cafes in Melbourne, Australia. This application will be included into the package as an extra.

Price to be confirmed.
Hello CreativeStudios

It's starting to look like you're using the Coffee Forum to promote your business.

That's not what were here for.

Please ease up on your advertisements.


I do apologise, I thought this was the right place to post news about Creative Studios. We are offering a service to Cafe owners. It's not like I'm promoting a porn site.

I'm currently in the process of a sponsorship so I'll use that.

PR Flavours Place allows selling used coffee equipment

In the name of our company I'm are pleased to announce that in Flavours Place ,we have recently allowed the sale of all kind of used coffee equipment.
Normally we charge very small percentage for everything that is sold there.
Before uploading your product you can contact me and we specify it according to the price of what is sold.

Kind regards,
[email protected]
PR - Black Ink Launch

Fueling Your Dreams Through Coffee

"Every coffee bag that we offer features a simple word across the top, 'Begin'. This bold statement is what we stand for at Black Ink Coffee Company and it is embedded within our own beginning. We believe that every dream should be followed and every story should be written. No matter how big or small, we want our coffee to be the catalyst that gives you the courage to ink your story."

Hey guys, Parker here. I own Black Ink, a brand that I started out in the desert on deployment. At Black Ink, we focus on amazing coffee and motivational stories. These stories are to get people to follow their passions in life. Everyone has that one thing that really grinds their gears, and that thing for me is hearing people talk about things they wish they could be doing or what they wish they did differently but it's too late. It is never too late and I want people to go after whatever it is that they need to do. I love my hard working and motivated customers which is why I want to keep fueling their journey. As well as those that have not taken that first step, I want Black Ink to be that first step for them and it's why I started the business.
Thanks, glad to be here! Yes, we are on the IR-5 (5KG) from Diedrich. There are a few pictures of it on our Instagram, once we move into a bigger location I will be sure to post more pictures of it on our social accounts :)

Hi, everyone. If you're looking to expand your coffee roastery or fulfill a dream to start roasting, then here's your chance. See attached press release announcing two coffee roastery purchase opportunities.

Kristi Anderson Runge


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