The Coffee Forums Poem


Staff member
Feb 22, 2011
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Dan told Chat GPT to write a poem dedicated to This is what it came up with. I think it's quite good!

Coffee forums, oh how we adore
A place where coffee lovers can explore
Where beans are discussed and blends are shared
And baristas' secrets are openly bared

From pour-overs to French presses,
And espresso shots that leave us breathless,
The knowledge here is vast and wide
And every day we learn with pride

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee
Fills the air and sets us free
To connect with others who share our passion
And engage in lively conversation

Here, the world of coffee comes alive
With endless possibilities to thrive
From beginner to expert, all are welcome
To join the community and feel right at home

So raise a cup to Coffee Forums, we say
For providing a place to learn and play
And let us cheers to the community we hold dear
For making our love of coffee crystal clear.

What do you guys think?
Amazing with a little input what Chat GPT is able to create.
What prompt did you use, if you don't mind me asking?
It is kind of scary what ChatGPT can do. I love it but it could be bad for education. I can see kids imputing their homework/assignments and not learning anything. That is scary.
It is kind of scary what ChatGPT can do. I love it but it could be bad for education. I can see kids imputing their homework/assignments and not learning anything. That is scary.

I see this as well and it is very sad. This isn't like learning to use a calculator vs. a slide rule or something. It's like being able to cheat completely, easily. :(
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