promotional items - like clip art, large display items


New member
Aug 30, 2004
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Good Morning,

I am curious about promotional items that may be available to our industry.

For example....are there any web pages with any clip art (coffee, espresso, cafe's, bakery, cold drinks, etc.) via the internet?

I have seen at a few cafes/shops very large pottery (?) coffee cups that they used to display other items inside the cup. One coffee cup was about 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet tall and had the letters (Roman Numerals) K O I E and a logo on the side of the cup. I believe it has Japanese roots.

I have also seen several cups that were about 12 -14 inches in diameter and about 10 inches tall. They cups appeared to be display pieces used for gift baskets, etc. Not sure if they were made of pottery, porcelain, or other materials (they were not made of paper or styrofoam). Who sells these large items?

What about other very large items for the espresso, coffee industry? I am trying to locate a very large 'costume' for a person to wear that looks like a coffee cup, a coffee bean or other coffee related costumes.

What about a 'hot air balloon' style but using a fan and cold air balloon displaying a coffee cup or old fashion espresso pot? These usually sit on top of buildings or in front of the business near the frontage road.

As you can see I am looking for these items for promotional use...I just need resourses. I am sure that the coffeefest will have many of these items....I will be unable to attend, maybe (please) someone can find out who sells or makes these type of items and post them here.

I have seen the large cups for sale...I believe it was in the Hubert catalog...
I have seen at a few cafes/shops very large pottery (?) coffee cups that they used to display other items inside the cup. One coffee cup was about 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet tall and had the letters (Roman Numerals) K O I E and a logo on the side of the cup. I believe it has Japanese roots.
Do you have any links to those products? It does sound interesting and I happen to work on a promotional campaign so I could use some good ideas for promotional items...
Hello RadarRick,

Here is a web site that you may find useful.

Type the word coffee into the search box and hit enter (on your keyboard). You'll get a page showing lots of interesting things.


I got a beautiful promotional gift from my friend. He is in corporate business sector. Promotional sites really provide good products and services.. Their Brand & Logo Promotion are also very good.

Hi all,
I know that promotional gifts are best source for increase your business popularity. However, some different items can make your business special from others. So, just go on sites that provide promotional ideas for business.
A very inexpensive way to promote your business, is to provide custom coffee to your customers. By "Custom Coffee" I mean a bag of coffee with the label customized for them. ie. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nansi". or "To Tom and Jane on their 25th Wedding Anniversary". With the tag at the bottom of the Label "Specially Roasted for Nansi by Serranos Coffee Roasters". Charge $1.00 for the special label. I make 100's of these labels every month for dozens of coffee houses here in Colorado.

Mountain House Labels
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