Puerto Rican Coffee Direct from the Grower


New member
Nov 2, 2003
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Our coffee finca is located in the tropical cloud forest of the Cordillera Central mountain range on the island of PR. We grow an increasingly rare & fragile pure Arabica "Cafe del Pais". Our coffee is organically shade-grown. We handpick only red, ripe berries. We wash them in spring water. And we ALWAYS fresh open-kettle roast our beans to the buyer's specification. We are now offering this year's brand NEW harvest. We ship Priority Mail worldwide. Talk about a FRESH CUP OF COFFEE.....
We welcome your questions or comments.
Fincalady. welcome to Coffee Forums and thank you for registering :)
Where will you be shipping from? Tell me more about yourself and your years in coffee, always fun to learn new things about new people :)
I'm curious about 'songbird-friendly". I never heard the term at all, so what is an example of songbird unfriendly? What do you do that is different? Just curious, thanks for the info.
PR Coffee

Our small coffee "finca" or farm is located in the tropical cloud forest of the Cordillera Central mountain range on the island of PR. The Jayuya area is highly esteemed for its coffee crop. We support the concept of sustainable agriculture on our finca. And "songbird-friendly" is just a poetic way of stressing that we grow our coffee - and everything else! - organically. We use no pesticides. And the owls & hawks & parrots, as well as our own flocks of chickens & ducks, are safe & happy for it!
We're just winding up our coffee harvest here now. We handpick only red, ripe berries. We wash them in spring water. We dry them naturally in the sun. It's a labor of love...and the coffee is excellent!
Do you have a website, internet store?

As above. How do you sell? Internet store? Mail order/phone order?

What types of coffee do you sell? Green, roasts, etc?

Finca del Seto Cafe

Our customer list is small AND loyal, but we've had a good harvest this year so we're pleased to be able to offer coffee to some new folks! We sell green beans and roasted beans (to your specification). You can email us for pricing & specifics. We don't accept any credit cards, but payment can be made thru Paypal or by personal check. We ship Priority Mail & only charge exact postage. We pride ourselves on being friendly, cooperative, and honest.

Loud! I'm never too fond of sites with too much unannounced sound! But, I suppose, I shoulda known to turn down my volume before visiting a "songbird" site!
It was interesting to hear about your finca. What kind of yields are you getting per plant? Thank you Jorge.
How much per pound for your coffee and how do I order?
Thanks again.
Finca del Seto Cafe

You can email us direct for particulars. But we retail our coffee in 1lb. bags for green beans or in 12oz bags for fresh-roasted (to your specification).
Puerto Rican Coffee

I sell Puerto Rican coffee too! I sell Montebello coffee from Maricao, Puerto Rico. My website is gicco.com I invite you all to taste it.
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