R.I.P. Boca Java


New member
Nov 30, 2009
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I just got this message today from Boca Java:
Dear Customers
It is with our deepest regret and sadness that Boca Java has been forced to cease all operations effective today, February 4, 2011. We are a dedicated group of people that were blessed with customers that shared the same passion and you never know when we might be able to recreate ourselves in the near future.

In our hearts we offered more than just a commodity and placed great care in delivering what we considered to be the finest fresh roast gourmet coffee in the world. We will never lose that enthusiasm and hope you don’t either.

Our last shipping day was Thurday, February 3, 2011. All pending orders will be canceled and credits will be issued to your credit card. We thank you for your business.

The Boca Java Family

Can anyone recommend a good roaster that has a nice selection of decaf coffee?
Yes it is true. Long story but there is some exciting things coming. I will keep you all posted over the next few weeks.
I found this forum while searching for info about BJ closing. Topher, you said it was a long story, and it is your prerogative to not give any more details if you choose not to.

That being said I'm sure there are a lot of folks like me out there that would appreciate a little more information about what happened. And maybe a preview of the exciting things to come?

I looked in the cupboard this morning and I have three bags of surfin safari left. Might you have a batch made up that didn't get shipped out? 8)
I have been a loyal boca java customer for years ... love the coffee and convenience and am very sorry to have received the RIP message as well. (Thank goodness I used my 25,000+ boca bucks at Christmas!)

I would love to learn what is in store for BJ. In the meantime, my LIght Up Olas is low ... any suggestions for a good coffee supplier?
Hi Topher

Hummm....perhaps you're buying the place? That would be interesting!

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