Rebuilding Royal #1 Coffee Roaster

This is a bit crazy... uploading and displaying photos. Seems the photos are not displayed, just links to the attachments. Not very attractive and I apologize for that.

I will post then tomorrow morning..thing looks bad ass!
IMG_2677.webpIMG_2681.webpIMG_2682.webpIMG_2684.webp sorry can only post 5 pics per are the last of them. Thing looks AWESOME!! Let us know how you like roasting on it...I loved the one I roasted on!
here are the last of them. Thing looks AWESOME!! Let us know how you like roasting on it...I loved the one I roasted on!

Thanks topher for uploading the pics and for the compliments! I have two questions for you. Both technical. One dealing with the forum interface and the other with the use of the Royal Coffee roaster.

1. Since you have roasted on the Royal #1, I wonder how you used the fan pulley lever located on the back. Did you engage the lever right from the get go of starting the drum roller and then controlled the air flow via the front damper which regulates the air flow in the drum AND can regulate the air flow from the cooling tray which is not currently shown? Or did you use the back lever to engage the fan only after reaching 1st crack?

2. Forum picture question... After successful upload of a photo where a small version is displayed in the edit post screen... if I double click the photo to bring up the pop up screen which lets me edit the photos attributes, my screen goes gray and freezes up. Can't edit the attributes. Worst thing is that something happens to the smaller versions where they no longer show up, only a link and the term "Attachment #". Are you experiencing this? Seems that formatting picture attributes is out of the question. Right?
Thought you may like to see our maiden voyage with the almost complete Royal #1 coffee roaster. Anyone for a Ethiopia Sidamo dark roast? :coffee:

How cool is that! Thanks for posting your project and the video. I'm sure you'll get the hang of roasting with it, seems like it has PLENTY of heat!
I just pmd you my cell number...
I've had some requests for dimensions of some of the components for this vintage Royal #1 roaster so I thought I would post pictures with dimensions for anyone wanting to rebuild one of these wonderful coffee roasters...

If you watched the video of our Royal #1 Coffee Roaster's Maiden Voyage, you may realize that we are still working on finishing the roaster by adding a chaff collector and a cooling bin. Well, here is an update to these two important components. After researching a bit, I found a cyclone dust collector that should fit well as a chaff collector. I also found an aluminum commercial steamer that is 22 inch diameter. The pictures here show the parts in place but I have to say that we have not yet tested them. We should be testing this machine in the next week or so and I will likely put together another video showing the operation.

Oh, we also just received our Arduino and temperature probes so we will be hooking them up and using the Artisan software to track the heating and cooling cycles. Let's hope all of this comes together nicely...

It's been awhile since I posted anything related to our Royal #1 Coffee Roaster. Reason being that I've been way too busy establishing the Small Town Coffee Roasters business. Anyway, here's a really short video on our completed roaster and a link to a blog post we created to show a bit about our roaster.

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