Redesigned Blog On Our Website

Page not found with the URL you posted.
"The requested URL /ewblog.html was not found on this server."

Also, the link from your website to your Company Blog just brings up the source page.

Let us know once it's back up, so we can check it out. Thanks! :D
Thanks for the heads up as I did post the wrong address. I have corrected the orginal posting and now reflects the correct web address. Check it out, post a message, and let me know what you think.
We had changed the address again and the web address has been updated on this forum.
This actually has me stumped, I thought I knew a decent amount about web stuff. But I assure you when we click on the link we see web page code.

Now funnly enough I've copied and pasted the code into notepad for me and opened it up with firefox and I see the site just fine. Could a server setting be off, where its rendering the pages as a text, instead of html?

I honestly wish I knew what would be a quick fix to your problem, but all I see is code.
Essential, you should make sure your sites are compatible with other browsers, not just Internet Explorer. Your links work perfectly fine in IE, but those of us who normally use FireFox, all we see is code. As far as I know, these two browsers are the most common, then the other 10% of your visitors may use other types of browsers like Safari, Chrome and Opera.

I opened your sites in IE and well, very nice!!! :D
Dear Cafe,
Thanks for the compliment, we designed our site in Firefox and optimized it for IE but unfortunetly the blog is hosted by Blogger and that program is not compatible wtih anything but IE. I guess that's because over 60% of the world uses IE, I prefer Firefox but what good does free software do for big business.
essentialwonders said:
but what good does free software do for big business.

Is that a trick question?

But seriously.. as noted, around 40% of the world does NOT use IE.. that's a huge chunk of your target demographic who will pass right by without a (literal) second look. You may want to really consider that. (I use Google Chrome and it opened and displayed fine for me).

Best of luck!
Hey Guys,
According to Domaintools and Google Analytics over 60% of internet browsers are using IE. I mean that's been the standard percentage for years. But anyway, I had John rewrite the blog and now it works fine with Firefox, Opera, and all versions of IE. Thanks for pointing that out to us guys.
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