

New member
Mar 27, 2005
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I´m looking for a new roaster in the 5-12kg class.......
Is there just the Diedrich and the german Probat on the market ?? I mean its a little bit poor in such a great business.....

If there any other competitor ???

Thanks a lot
for roaster

:) ı can help you for tis subject
you can prefer Toper TKMSX 5 or 10 thıs machine ıs cheaper than proat and it has EU standars equal ul certificate and servise line and tecnolocial specification is beter than others

ı can givesome veb site an yo can give aoffer for roaster
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sorry nurettin it was a little bit hard to understand what you ment....

Please can you send me the website about this other roaster...

Thx for helping

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  • #5
sorry topher...

there is absolutely nothing on this site.....?! please send another link...

One more question..

ehat about the offgas from the roaster...i mean it smells and when you have you shop very near to your neighbours they get more coffeeexperience then they really want....
I looked for some afterburners but i think they are horrible expensive for a stupid butanburner..

What about ozone ? i´ve had a good distributor and could get a nice price there for a generator who clears vent air from dust and smell..

Is that possible with these kind of offgas ??

thx for helping