roasters & grinders


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Sep 13, 2007
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Im looking to upgrade my equipment so I can start roasting my own beans, but I would like to get good quality equipment, without spending too much on it.

currently I own a old Zassenhaus "mokka" grinder (hand operated) of wooden construction, except for the grinder mechanism(obviously) which is steel, it was passed to me by my grandmother who purchased it before even my mother was born I think!! I would like any and all opinions on whether this would be a satisfactory grinder to use as I keep using it a: for sentimental purposes, and b: because I hold the opinion that older stuff like this tends to be of better quality than modern products.
ps: I googled for pictures of my grinder and found none that look like mine, so that shows how old it is lol
It is fully adjustable for coarse/fine grinding, and I have no problems with using a manual device :) but again I would like an expert opinion as my prime concern is having the best tasting coffe as possible, so if there is a better grinder out there that wont cost me the earth, any suggestions would be appreciated.

secondly, I have never roasted my beans and would like to start doing so, as I presume the satisfaction from roasting and grinding your own beans to personal taste is second to none, So any suggestions for a good roaster that again wont cost me too much are welcomed.

Lastly, I am using a Sona jug style percolator machine (the type where the coffee basket sits above the water and water is pulled up a metal tube, flows thru the glass dome thing in the lid and falls thru the basket), again it is very old, and really I need to replace it as I'll never get any parts for it when it eventually breaks down so again - suggestions for a new brewer that wont cost too much will be apprecdiated.
just my humble opinion, 1) roaster.....Hearthware Iroast2 2) Bodum Antiqua Grinder and 3) Bodum French Press for brewing. You are absolutely correct, the satisfaction of roasting, grinding and brewing to personal taste is truly second to none.

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