Please check my web site, I have over 50 used roasters for sale from 3 kg to 240 kg per batch, as well as new high quality Western European built Joper roasters from 5 kg to 480 kg per batch, along with silos, grinders and packaging/ blending/ sealing equipment. The used roasters in your size range would be:
50 lb Monitor (old but still workable), very inexpensive
30 kilo Vittoria
75 lb San Franciscan, built in 1998, with afterburner (it's located out your way)
100 lb Sivetz (very inexpensive)
I also can offer new Joper 15 and 30 kg roasters, with 5 batches per hour.
Most of these roasters are pictured on my site, if you email me, I can send photos of the ones which aren't.
If you are attending the SCAA 2006 Annual Conference in Charlotte April 7-10, my booth is 1077 (Javalytics).
Truly Yours and Warmest Regards,
Victor Allen Mondry
Original V LLC
6890 Paoli Road
Belleville, WI 53508
cell 608.695.3910
fax 775.306.7981