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- Jun 19, 2023
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2006 Probat L25 Coffee Roaster
25 kg capacity
Natural Gas Burner
220 V electric power
Last roasted with in August of 2023
We liked roasting coffee on it. It was swapped out for something bigger. The arms on the cast iron drum broke in 2022 and were professionally repaired via a cast iron welding specialist. While the drum was out, the roaster got cleaned up nicely and the drum got a media blast to look like new. After the fix it was roasted with for a few months before being removed for a larger roaster. It has the chaff collector and a destoner with it. It has an overheat protection shut-off. We connected exhaust and bean temp probes to Cropster via USB for digital roast tracking.
Shipping not included.
50" W x 97.5" L x 97.5" H for the roaster itself. Additional space for the destoner and chaff collector (about a standard pallet each).
YouTube - End of Roast
YouTube - During Roast