Rumor: Starbucks buying Seattle Coffee?



Rumor: Starbucks buying Seattle Coffee?

No this isn't an April Fools Joke. It was posted yesterday in Puget Sound Business Journal where a rumor that Starbucks Corp. might be interested in purchasing Seattle Coffee Co. -- which owns the brands Seattle's Best Coffee and Torrefazione Italia -- is gaining the attention of analysts.

Both of the companies arn't commenting at the moment but there is speculation its in the works. Any word on this or thoughts about it? I love Seattle Coffee in comparisons to Starbucks so I'd hope they wouldn't shut down or replace storefronts with the big S.
Starbucks buys rival Seattle Coffee Co

Well I'd say its in the official stages now, here are some news titles all over about it. You tell me what you think about it. I wonder what will happen to existing Seattle Stores as we know Starbucks plan is to rule the world ;)

Starbucks to buy rival Seattle Coffee Co
Popeyes parent sells coffee cafes to Starbucks
Starbucks to buy Seattle's Best Coffee
Starbucks to acquire Seattle Coffee Co.
Starbucks buys coffee competitor
Smell of Starbucks Coffee Is in the Air

Well I guess Seattle's Coffee here closed down a little while ago in my neighborhood just a few months ago.