Seeking My Next Career Step in Professional Coffee


New member
Jun 9, 2006
New Haven, CT
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I have owned my own FTO roasting business and storefront for the past year, Bare Beans Coffee (; We are closing the end of February 2009 due to the current economic conditions and the fact we have to vacate our current location and cannot afford to build out a new space elsewhere.

I am thoroughly passionate about coffee and would like to gain experience in other aspects of coffee as well as bring my current jobs skills along to build someone's coffee business. I am open to sales, working with green coffee, and much more.

My experience, outside of coffee, includes 20 years retail management experience managing a staff of up to 20 commissions associates, a year as an account executive/sales for a start up organic skincare company, selling luxury perfume, and training as a vegetarian/vegan chef at NYC's Natural Gourmet Institute.
Hi Mark, this is Ed from David’s Biscotti.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the business you’ve given us over the last year. I’m positive that you will continue to provide the excellent service and knowledge that you provided your vendors and customers during your time with Bare Beans Coffee. I actually learned a lot from you, about my own product !!! :)
Anyway, I wish you the best with your future endeavors. Take care.