Site Selection, Lease Negotiation, Permit Process


New member
May 30, 2004
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Hello all, I have been watching these postings with great interest. Am in the process of opening an espresso drive thru in the Sacramento area, have all necessary steps in place, what I need help on is site selection, lease negotiation, and permit process. Can anyone recommend a site selection expert/lease negotiator in my area? Any help would be greatly appreciated. :mrgreen:
Retail Lease Space

Okay folks, cmon, help me out here, it doesn't have to be an agent in my area, just a firm that you may have worked with to find your location. Or are we not helping eachother? Maybe I misunderstood the purpose of this forum. But I thought we were a community and here for support. I'm so NAIVE.
Well hello tlhamzy:

I don't think most on this forum have the experience in opening an espresso drive thru, or if some do, they may not be willing to share how they've done it. I believe you and I have talked already :wink: I will send you a pm.
You can get the traffic counts from the city. That's a good place to start narrowing down your choices.
Thanks for that!

Thanks, I appreciate your help in this area, obviously not my strong point! :)
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