Starbucks Iced coffee-> You're paying more for less coffe


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Oct 10, 2006
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To make iced coffee, you put in a full batch of coffee but use 1/2 the water. so now the coffee is at double strength, right?

then you fill a pitcher up with ice and put in this double strength coffee. ice melts, so it's back to regular strength.

now when a customer orders an iced tall/grande coffee, you fill the cup with about 2/3 coffee, 1/3 ice. so you get less product as compared to the hot version. plus iced coffee is more expensive than regular coffee.

so you're paying more for less coffee?

What am i missing, if anything?
Not sure what you were expecting. This business is not rational.

If you go to a Starbucks and get a 16 oz bottle of water, the price is $1.70. If you buy a 16 oz cup of coffee, the price is $1.60. By that logic, adding Starbuck coffee to the water destroyed 10 cents of value.
wow.. never realized that about the bottled water.

yet we give out water from out filtered tap for free.

one more irrational thing:
iced coffee con leche is 1/2 iced coffee, 1/4 milk, 1/4 ice.

you pay even more than regular iced coffee.

yet milk is free from the condiment bar.

a better way is to order iced coffee, drink 1/4 of it, then add milk from the condiment bar.
Ohhhh -- a condom-mint bar. They think of everything at Starbucks.
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