Starting a Coffee Shop

Coffee Drink

New member
Jun 15, 2003
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I want to start a coffee shop in my city and I’m wondering where I should start in the process. I’ve found real estate for the location already but now I’m not quite sure what the next step is. What is involved in starting a coffee shop, what route should I take to get this flying?

Has anyone else out there started a coffee shop? What did it take, how did it go during the first year? What drinks should I carry, what supplys do I need.. and so forth? Any tips are appreated!

Coffee Drink

I don't know if you're still looking for replies, but heres one. I am amused, however that we find ourselves in opposite situations. I have equipment and know exactly what to do, as it has been my dream for the past six years, however, I lack a location. Anyway there's a great book out there. It's called Espresso! By Joe Monaghan and Julie Sheldon Huffaker. It walks you through truely everything. Best of luck to you.
interesting situation, i am going to try to checkout that book. I'll have to special order though, I know the local book stores have very little coffee books, and i would have seen something named "Espresso!"
Is Espresso! more of a business book or coffee book?
In case you're looking for a one stop coffee shop supplier, I'm dealing with these guys and extremely happy with them.

Hey about coffee...what do you do? I have read 3 posts of you and all you have spoken of is www corainc com is that your company or what?
I take that back...I have read all seven of your posts...I might even guess your name might be Paul?
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