Starting a drive thru Coffee kiosk

Tim Boes

New member
May 7, 2004
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I am looking for information on opening up a drive thru kiosk. I have searched the interenet and am not sure if I want to buy into a franchise. They seem to not be what I am looking for. They all look too cookie-cutter and I am looking for originality. I also want to keep cost down and would rather not pay the franchise fees and be locked into some elses ideas that may not be what I want......Please help....
Ahhh Good morning all, and "Happy Mother's Day" to all the mothers. :P Thanks E.O. Tim I'd be happy to get you on your way. Just send me a p.m. and we'll see what we can do for you. We've been receiving a lot of new interest and some have actually turned into getting people open. Thanks to both the Coffee Forums, people are finally waking up to the idea that these can be done.

I agree franchises are not necessarily the best choice if you want to be original and make a personal mark. But if you have deep pockets and would rather make more money for them that okay too :wink: If you have all of the right factors in place such as money, business plan, money, the desire, money...well you get the picture :twisted: This is a great business to be in. Be realistic in setting your goals and direction. There's nothing more frustrating than someone wanting to open a chain of locations without first trying the first. That's where we can help be of most benefit to you. Getting that first one off the ground and will remain with you throughout your success. Get in touch. In fact as a result of these forums to date I've had 2 different clients come to Seattle to visit with us and 2 to 3 more coming within the next few weeks.

So hit me up if you're ready to move.

Thanks :wink:
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