thai coffee history


New member
Apr 14, 2006
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I am looking for information on the history of coffee in thailand. I have some general information but was wondering if anyone knew if there was anywhere I could find specific inofrmation, like when coffee was introduced to thailand and its timeline to present. Any information is greatly appreciated.

I don't know ? Why i have reply your question but it disappear?
Ok . Mashobe if you want to know about Thailand coffee I can help you .
you can e-mail to me or go to my website . Now we have build The Barista Association Of thailand for develop quality of thai coffee up .
Last month we have invited Mrs. Sunalini Menon came here and we took her to plantation you can read article from sunalini about that visit trip at If you want to know every thing in thai coffee beans please tell me .

P.S. Alun_evans I have been your Sumatra from sirada , I love it !
Hey Zan, thanks for the compliment. Are you going to be in Sinagpore for the Food and Hotel Asia Expo next week? If so, I will bring some Sumatran with me for you to take back to Thailand :grin: . Sirada posted me about what you guys are doing up there, sounds great.
Hi alun

May be i want to go to Singapore next week too . Do you have any cell phone to contact you Please pm to me or at my e-mail . May be i 'll take my beans to you too .

Just PM'ed Zan. Let me know if you go for sure- will bring some greens for you to take bck to Thailand to sample roast.
Hey Zan, it was great to meet up with you in Singapore. You know, in Asia we are a little more spread out than our brothers and sisters in specialty coffee in the USA. Hopefully we can stay in touch. Maybe we can organise a visit to each others growers? Cheers, stay well, Alun
Welcome Alun
If you have free time to visit Thailand , I can take you to see my grower in the northen of thailand . Best time to vistit around Dec-Feb you'll see the plantation .How about thailand coffee beans please you tell me .
Hey Zan, the green samples you gave me are sitting on my desk as I type this. I am really keen to cup them and will give you feedback. Hopefully in the next day or so...time permitting!
You can find THai coffee (arabica) history in the article "The highland coffee research and development centre (HCRDC)" in book "Arabica coffee Cultivation and Extension Manual for the Highlands of Northern Thailand. (Op de Laak, 1992. Chiang Mai University, Faculty of agriculture. PP 98-111) .
Hi Zan

That is a very practical book for coffee grower.
I learn many skills from it. and met Mr. Op de Laak in 1st Asian Regional Round-Table, Chiang Mai, 2001.

I love Thai arabica coffee very much.
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