The 12s (IR and L)...what are the diffs?


New member
Apr 15, 2004
Chesapeake Bay
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I just committed to a five year old, lightly used Diedrich IR-12, and am considering taking the four day course at CTI in California, which comes recommended by a roastmaster friend (who uses an older model Probat L12). Robert at CTI uses, and sells, Probats. He's indicated that the training is not specific to Probats, but... Can anyone on this forum tell me what are the differences between these two 12s, the Probat and the Diedrich? I understand them to be essentially the same, but am interested in the more subtle differences, pros and cons.

Also, anyone here take the course at CTI and have positive recomendations to share?

Thanks!, Paul
Hey Paul:

Congrats, welcome to the world of no more sleep :twisted: I don't know anything about the Probat since I've never used one. That would be a question for Topher. But I can speak on the Diedrich. We use a Diedrich IR 24, and boy it's a great machine, we love it. The IR stands for Infra Red. It distributes the heat source across tiles (like the space shuttle) evenly along the roasting drum. Their improvements have made this roaster easy to work with and produces an even roast every time. They are built in San Point Idaho and have a great roasting class put on by Stephen Diedrich (owner). I would suggest that you contact Stephen or Greg St. John (main tech) to see when their next class is being held. It is well worth it, and not expensive to attend. Their toll free number is 1-877-263-1276. Tell Stephen or Greg that Sean recommended you to them. Oh yeah, their customer service is second to none. They've always been there to help no matter what. I highly recommend them.

I hope this helps :)