The finesse of gourmet coffee


Dec 12, 2020
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What are the most expensive coffee machines in the world that can prepare coffee with milk or cream? Espresso, drip, percolator, ect…? Who makes the most expensive coffee machines around? Krups, delonghi, slayer, ect…? Im talking about gourmet coffee like someone saying this is the finesse of coffee! If someone wanted to purchase the very best and most expensive coffee machines in the world to prepare GOURMET coffee with cream or milk assuming theyre bill gates rich, how should they purchasing such machines then? The finesse and gourmet of coffee simultaneously.... can a barista or coffee guru please tell me what machines can deliver such gourmet coffee? Thank you.
Sorry but i don't understand why anyone would care what the most expensive coffee machine is. Frankly, I conisder my coffee made in a $20 french press "gourmet" coffee. But isn't the better question to ask "What is the best coffee machine for making __________ (fill in the blank with espresso, drip, cappuccino, etc.)?
What are the most expensive coffee machines in the world that can prepare coffee with milk or cream? Espresso, drip, percolator, ect…? Who makes the most expensive coffee machines around? Krups, delonghi, slayer, ect…? Im talking about gourmet coffee like someone saying this is the finesse of coffee! If someone wanted to purchase the very best and most expensive coffee machines in the world to prepare GOURMET coffee with cream or milk assuming theyre bill gates rich, how should they purchasing such machines then? The finesse and gourmet of coffee simultaneously.... can a barista or coffee guru please tell me what machines can deliver such gourmet coffee? Thank you.

Hello gsan,

Last week (April 3rd) You started another thread (see below) and basically asked the same questions. Why two threads?

~ Rose
The really costly item is the grinder. A conical burr grinder of great quality will cost a bit. Is it better, or worth it - I don't know. I am happy enough with what I got.

At a certain point it is cheaper to just get a cup of coffee at the coffee house. Typically made with better equipment than I own, with more skill than I posses, and tastes consistently the best. Heck, if I had Bill Gates money I would hire a barista, and just have wonderful coffee all day.

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