The perfect latte without the machine.


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May 30, 2006
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Hey everyone. I am thinking about getting a stovetop espresso maker (Bialetti) for all my coffee needs but am wondering if you can make a good quality/tasting latte without a steam and/or frother attachment.

Is it possible without the machine or is it best to splurge and get a high end espresso machine?


Thanks for any insight!
Patricia the short answer. A latte requires steamed milk; as the milk is steamed the protein matrix changes and at about 150 F the matrix is pecieved a " sweet" I guess you could try heating the milk on the stove????

And it really depends on your expectations....I would expect to SCUBA with out having the proper equip[ment and traning, and I wouldn't make a latte without knowing what I would settle for....
Perfect Latte. No machine Needed

There is hope for those of us who can never seem to master the quirkiness of our espresso machines. It's called Stomping Grounds. Tasted some in Portland at my grocery store. It was awesome! I bought three boxes. I liked the caramel best. The espresso blend is a little sweet for me. But, it's all very good. Just add one part concentrate to two parts milk. Heat it in the microwave (though, I prefer my milk heated on the stove). And pour it in a mug. :-D
Re: Perfect Latte. No machine Needed

Thinkfast4 said:
There is hope for those of us who can never seem to master the quirkiness of our espresso machines. It's called Stomping Grounds. Tasted some in Portland at my grocery store. It was awesome! I bought three boxes. I liked the caramel best. The espresso blend is a little sweet for me. But, it's all very good. Just add one part concentrate to two parts milk. Heat it in the microwave (though, I prefer my milk heated on the stove). And pour it in a mug. :-D

If you are in Portland OR and you have not master your espresso machine, you should try Stumptown


The Albina Press
4637 North Albina
Portland, Oregon
Stumptown in Portland

I like Stumptown coffee, but not too sure about the friendliness of the baristas. At least when I make my own at home I can save some money and avoid the 'tude.javascript:emoticon(':wink:')
PatriciaV2 said:
Hey everyone. I am thinking about getting a stovetop espresso maker (Bialetti) for all my coffee needs but am wondering if you can make a good quality/tasting latte without a steam and/or frother attachment.

Is it possible without the machine or is it best to splurge and get a high end espresso machine?

Good day
Bialetti has a stove top frother it is basicaly a double screen that you agitate the milk once you warm it up to temp. I use this when I go camping it take some work but you can get a fairly nice foam happening. it is not the best but it is better than nothing