Thermal (not travel) mugs/cups [in Australia]


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Sep 26, 2008
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Hey guys... Am hoping this is a suitable topic for this forum, would love some advice on this.

My parents just recently bought themselves an automatic coffee machine for our small business, and whilst they are very happy with the coffee quality, and the texture of the milk, they are very disappointed with the temperature of the milk. They bought a Jura Z5 (2nd gen).

We tested the machine at the store, and the coffees (including those with milk, latte etc) were hot - getting home we just could not get them hot enough. We have tried everything - preheating the cups, checking all of the various places for blockages etc (rang customer service, and they told me what to check). Finally, I bought some styrofoam cups (as this is what we tested the coffee in at the store), and tried making a latte - the difference is amazing, nice and hot.

So I am now thinking that perhaps the solution is to buy some new mugs and consider it an expensive of the machine. I''m wondering if anyone has any suggestions of thermal mugs that look nice - we''re not after big plastic travel mugs, we want to be able to serve this to clients. We''re in Australia, so if anyone knows of places here, that would be great, but even just suggestions of brands to search for/specific names of suitable mugs etc would be great.


PS I should point out that they bought a different machine last week (a D''Longhi sp?) and returned it for the same problem, making me think that the cups may be the problem.