Things to consider before getting a sample roaster installed


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Nov 14, 2008
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I am thinking about getting a professional sample roaster, either a 1-lb San Franciscan or a 1-lb Diedrich roaster, however currently living in the top level of an apartment building in California. Curious to get some inputs on what kind of obstacles (in terms of permits, ventilations, etc.) I will be facing before buying one and install it at home. Some questions that popped into my mind: Will I need to get a permit for getting a roaster like those professional roasters, even though I am not using it for commercial? In terms of ventilation, I assume I will need to remodeled my home to get the smokes straight to open air? Do I need to move out from a residential area? Any other things that I should put into consideration? Thank you all for your inputs.
For such a small roaster and not for use in commerce, I suspect that you would be limited to the same sort of fire code restrictions as a barbeque; however, this does not also take into account any limitations in your lease or condo association rules.

As I recall from when I last lived in California, barbecuing on the balcony of any multistory building was prohibited (at least in Santa Monica and Brentwood), but you may want to double check with the local fire marshall's office. Note that a coffee roaster will emit a pretty substantial amount of smoke. For your reference, I have aluminum ducting to run my sample roaster exhaust outside, but it still emits a noticeable odor when in use -- that too could be a problem if neighbors determine that the smell infringes on their right to quiet enjoyment of their property.

It seems to me that this is something that you might want to put off until you have a single family dwelling or external light industrial space to work from.
Thank you for the great reply. If that's the case, I will wait until I move out and will use my future home's garage as my little coffee shrine.
I will probably get a decent home roaster as of now. Which one would you suggest? A GeneCafe or a Hottop?
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