This goes out to Pug,Topher,CCafe, thank you...............

Be sure to keep us posted. We're all excitedly reading about your progress!
Well well well here is an intersesting senerio, we just found out that they are closing our manufacturing plant that I have worked at for the last ten years. 132 people layed off, including me. Needless to say at the gig I had fri nite there were a bunch of employees get a little over-served, again me included. On the bright side, the coffee shop is doing well consistantly breaking over 250.00 daily plus good days in the low 300s. Everybody is thrilled and has found there new coffee shop.

The saga continues.
Looks like your timing is something to be grateful for.
Yes I am really truly blessed, whats really interesting is that a month ago everyone thought I was crazy. Whos laughing now? Long day at the shop but totally worth it.
Getting new roadside signs tomorrow. See if that ramps business up a little
Been a longggggggggg week LOL :lol: Got the roadside signs and they look great, we have our myspace page up and that is looking good also,business is picking up and breakfast is starting to get popular, had to make my second coffee order so that was another1k, love being at the shop but all my other duties are suffering , lawn, cars, pool, etc. Played with the band fri and sat and had a great time, alot of my coffee shop customers were there so that was real cool. Will have pics on myspace soon.
Had an article in new businesss news in our local paper. Awesome response. Giving Starbucks a run for the money lol.
That sounds like a rewarding experience. Starbucks needs competition.
Waiting on black fri. Lots of food sales but that is not what I wanted to do. I am not sure how to go about it. I had a 35 person catered lunch which was real good. I know the money is in the coffee. I hate having perishables, and our health inspector says we are pushing the envelope on food sales. Any suggestions will be taken with great appreciation. Don't get me wrong, our coffee is our main push, but the food really has me in a tizzy. I just made my second coffee order and have alot of variety which is real fun because the customers keep coming in to try the next drip selection which I change out every 5lbs. I guess I really can't complain, as every other Indy coffee shop has been in to check out our store. Word is certainly getting around. :D
:grin: Black fri was ok. Now this sun and yesterday was soso. Still over 300 in sales. Island Oasis is out of icecream base until dec 10 wtf? I am out of Costellini cocoa powder also. Still trucking along and my customers are great.
Hey Chris and Ronda:

Sounds like you are both doing well and having fun as you experience the love of ownership. I have not heard you mention anything about a staff. Do you have others in addition to you two working? If so how are they taking the change? As for running out of the Costellini cocoa powder, have you ever tried "Gosh That's Good" products? Much better tasting product and it dissolves better without clumping up, worth looking into.

Good luck to you and welcome to the wonderful world of coffee!
Hi guys,

Had a problem with my login. I havent tried anything other than Costellini because now my customers are used to having the best hot chocolate and mocha lattes ever. LOL there words not mine. We had Santa in the shop last this past Sat and catered coffee to a new bank opening in the plaza. Great weekend over all. I wish I could keep consistant numbers like that. I am subbmitting my paperwork for my 10k$ buildout allowance so I hope to have that soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not have to pay a pecentage point to the mall, my lease thru Centro Properties is awesome, and they finally came by, as there are off site in Orlando.

My Dade Paper order is here, back to work.

Peace out.
As far as staff, it is just Ronda and I. We have twin girls that help out also, but until I can pay them, .......

Looking at gosh thats good products now...................
Happy Holidays everyone. I have my holiday menu up and the eggnog lattes are popular but they steam so LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. Steady business today, more and more people finding the shop. Found out the leasing agent from the outlet mall that wouldn't let us stay, said that Starbucks backed out. HAHAHA . Buisiness picking up slowly but surely .

The saga continues.
Had a good Christmas, white cocolate candycane lattes are popular!!!!!!! Still plugging along. Getting busier and busier, hope all is well with everyone.

Have a great NEW YEAR!

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