This goes out to Pug,Topher,CCafe, thank you...............

I have a hard time logging in sometimes......... long time no post, days blend into each other. LOL. I passed by the nail salon in the plaza where I am and she stopped me

She " Hows business?"

Me " Weeeelllllll........"

Her "January bad, better around Valentine day, Spring good, summer good, fall good January bad again!"

I'm holding her to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I was gonna post that this is the best week we have had so far , but I just got off the phone with the utilities dept and they are wanting to see if we fall under the FOG program.......................................
You will. Fats Oils Grease, milk falls in the fats category.

I'm surprised that you were even able to open you store if they are now just asking you if you have grease trap. Your guidelines state that if its a new or renovation that your required to have one. If they require it you'll most likely have to follow the Federal guidelines. Smallest tank size is about 750 gallons. But the formula to figure how much you use is what decides how big of a tank you will be required to install. You'll never fill that in 100 years but that is what the Feds want.

Your guidelines can be found here ... d_2008.pdf.

If they make you install one you might be able to file a grievance that states it would cause an extreme hardship on your business and they will allow you to drastically down size the tank to something more manageable say 150 to 300 gallon setup.
We have an existing grease trap from the previous tenants. We passed Agriculture with this.

On another interesting note, the Prime One Outlet mall has been negotiating to get us back in the same spot they kicked us out of. Aint that a b@#$h
Still plugging along. Seeing increase as March is upon us. Got my buidout allowance back, plus severence from old job, plus 401k. Hope this keeps us going.
Nice pics Tophie2. 3 espresso grinders by the espresso machine?
Update on FOG, yep, another 250.00 a year to be in the "program". Hell with it, I'm just gonna rob a bank, either way I will be set for life.
Joined the Chamber of Commerence. Have a TV ad and radio commercial. Advertising in the local High school newspaper, going to the local NIC chapter mon.
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