tips and ideas for a good capuchino


New member
Feb 23, 2006
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I am new in this forum and new in the coffee shop business.
I have purchased an expresso machine (with steamer) but I can't get my capuchinos look foamy and apetizing...
can you give any advice?

Thansk a million
You might be sticking the steam wand from the machine too deep in the milk with heat/frothing the milk. Stick the tip of the steam wand just barely under the surface fo the milk to where you hear a hiss...hard to describe the sound but not very deep then when you are close to tempurature plant the wand deep into the milk works for me.
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Thanks you both for the suggestions...
I am opening my coffee shop only on friday nights and will let you know after tonight how it went... wish me luck
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Good tips!

Thank you guys for the ideas... I tried your suggestions and it worked very well... I'll try to upload a picture just to let you know what it looked like... and I didn't need the miracle whip... but I will have next to me just in case ;)
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OPening night

Thanks Freshroast for asking about our opening night...
We had a good crowd, mostly friends and relatives, we opened at 9.00 pm and closed at 1. a.m we had live music and videos, it was great. :)
The second night wasn't as crowded, nevertheles more friends showed up and we had a great time.. again we had live music and some of our friends tried singing a couple of songs it was hilarious... :)
We are looking forward to next friday... let you know how it went
I just had to chime in... :wink: Here's another small hint on making awesome foam...Try keeping a steaming pitcher in the cooler or ice box just for caps. When you add the cold milk to froth your out, you'll find some of the best foam ever...Now don't tell anybody about this... :D

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