Trying to locate a type of coffee


New member
Jan 3, 2005
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:-D Hello all Im new to the board so im not sure where to post my question. I am trying to find the name of a coffee and a way to purchase it. The only information i know is its the most expensive coffee in the world and that the beans are feed to small catlike creatures na then i believe removed from their excriment. If this coffee is not possible to obtain i would like something very exotic and strong. Thank you all in advance for your help

pete28 said:
:-D Hello all Im new to the board so im not sure where to post my question. I am trying to find the name of a coffee and a way to purchase it. The only information i know is its the most expensive coffee in the world and that the beans are feed to small catlike creatures na then i believe removed from their excriment. If this coffee is not possible to obtain i would like something very exotic and strong. Thank you all in advance for your help


:shock: :shock: :shock:

I am no expert, and this coffee may exist.....but I have to say, there are lots of great coffee out there...why even search for this?

Life's too short to drink bad coffee, or coffee that comes from poo, there is enough of it that already taste like it.


good luck, sorry if I hijacked your posting.
no not at all thank you for your response, any information is good. I have been drinking coffee for quite some time now but have just recently been introduced to gourmet coffees or good coffee. Can you recommend any brands? I have heard kona is very good.
Anonymous said:
no not at all thank you for your response, any information is good. I have been drinking coffee for quite some time now but have just recently been introduced to gourmet coffees or good coffee. Can you recommend any brands? I have heard kona is very good.

Kona, Jamaican Blue Mountain, the list goes on and on when you open that book.

I would suggest trying many of the micro-roasters out there- they are small, but they are craftsmen in the truest sense of the word.

A few I have tried, and really like.

I have tried espresso, and drip blends from all of these....and been impressed with all of them! They all do single origin coffee's as well, contact any of them (or others) and tell them what you like....and ask what they have that's new or they reccomend.

I love the whole micro-roast thing.... these are just a few, do a search on micro-roasters, or coffee roasters in any of the search engines.

I know there are several on these baords as well.

good luck
it is called Kopi Luwak. It is coffee cherries eaten by the Sivetz cat and then pooped out. Coffee beans are picked out and washed and roasted.It goes for about $400 a pound NOT because it tastes so darned good but because it is wacky, weird and rare.

there are MUCH better coffees out there than this.
barefoot said:
it is called Kopi Luwak. It is coffee cherries eaten by the Sivetz cat and then pooped out. Coffee beans are picked out and washed and roasted.It goes for about $400 a pound NOT because it tastes so darned good but because it is wacky, weird and rare.

there are MUCH better coffees out there than this.

Hey...don't knock it! We feed coffee beans to the elephants at the zoo. It's fun to watch them get a buzz and our "Jimmy Carter Blend" has that topnote of peanuts that people can't get enough of! :grin:

All joking aside, I was also told about a similar coffee when I was in Brazil which is gathered from the jungle floor - the birds eat the cherries and drop the remains on the ground. These are gathered and prepared for market...very rare and expensive.
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