Tweaking coffee's flavor chemistry

Yes, this is a great article.
Though I may mention that although the vast majority of the aromatic flavor compounds are derived from 5-CQA (see diagram) - this component also changes significantly during cultivation. So in essence, the true "quality" of coffee is not only a function of roasting, but of proper cultivation as well.

Learn more about Chlorogenic Acic (CQA):

Joseph Rivera
Coffee Scientist
Hello "Coffeechem"

Just a friendly reminder: Please remove the URL from your signature line.

I tried to view the article, but the website said, "You have accessed a page that requires account registration" It seems that alsmot every time I register on a website in order to read an article, I end up getting tons of unwanted Spam E-Mails.

I think I'll just take your word for it that the article is interesting.

Hi Rose,

Thanks for approving the post.
Though in regards to your request, Im a little confused. I understand that you dont want us to post our URL when posting/replying....but under your "Rules and TOS" it states:

3. Signing your name is allowed, however URL dropping in signatures is disallowed and will be removed. Your profile can contain a URL however it may not be referred to. We do this because signature lines take up a lot of space and make it harder for people to see the next post

Please let me know if I missed something, as I will be more than happy to comply.

Your profile is accessible by clicking on your screen name. Your website is viewable there and is also in your website button under your name, with each post you make. No need to have it a third time in your signature.

(just my two cents)
Hi Joseph,

Please take a look at the message that you posted. All the way down at the bottom, under the automatic signature line, you will see your signature and your website's URL. That's what's referred to as URL dropping in signatures, and it isn't allowed for the reasons stated in the forum rules. However, you will also notice that some people include a message in their automatic signature line, such as "Coffee..It's what's for breakfast," which is currently allowed.

Please go into the User Control Panel to edit your signature line so it doesn't include the URL at the bottom of every message that you post.

I approved your message even though it was in response to a message that was posted back in 2007. Usually, we prefer that you start a new topic message rather than hook on to something that's so outdated; however, in this case, you were making reference to an article that was mentioned in the 2007 posting, so I approved your message.

By the way....Welcome to the Coffee Forums! I hope you will visit us often.

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