VHS - Customer Service for the Retail Coffee Bar


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Mar 2, 2005
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Any comments abt this VHS?

Any 2nd hand copies avail? In Singapore?

Interested to know how useful it is if I'm not into espresso but a cafe & other forms of local coffee. Pls advice on suitability of :

Customer Service for the Retail Coffee Bar
Achieving Success in Specialty Coffee
Espresso 501
Everything BUT Coffee
Bean Business Basics, Second Edition
Espresso 101
Effective and Essential Marketing for the Specialty Coffee Retailer

email: [email protected]
Achieving Success in Specialty Coffee: very good book, contains many articles by many pros in the industry, some very good reading

Esp 101: nice 1 hr intro to espresso and the coffee bar, good to show to prospective employees before you hire them, and jsut before you start espresso training. I like it and show it to all our employees.

Esp 501: more technical in nature, about how esp machines operate and how they work inside as it relates to esp preparation. I dont think this is neccessary to make good espresso.

Customer Service video: pretty good, a bit corny but shows the fundametals of good customer service as it relates to cafes. A nice intro to new employees on the importance of good customer service.

I would get 101, Achiving, & Cust Service, ALSO one you dont have listed that is very good is David Schomers book:
Espresso Coffee: Porfessional Techniques

Do yourself a favour and get his book and read it, espresso preparation is
a critical part of any cafe (in my opinion)
I jsut saw that you werent into espresso. Oops, dont get 101 either then, its focused on espresso, so is David Schomers book.

Biz Bean Basics is a big book, the size of a telephone book, has chapters on leasing, building, many subjects, but geared more towards the person without knowledge of the industry. Its espensive and I dont think its neccessary if you are already in business.

Get: Acheving Success, Customer Service. These will both apply to you.
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Agree with what Sinister703 said...

I purchased:-

Achieving Success (Book)
effective & Essential Mktg (Book)
Spilling the beans DVD
Advanced Barista Trg DVD
Everything but coffee DVD

Great intros & insights to the coffee biz from the DVDs haven't read the books yet but I'm sure I got a great value for money package!
Customer Service

Visit the absolute best restaurants in town.


Visit the absolute most popular restaurants in town.


I think the selections cited above are very good. I don't know if this metaphor will play for you:

Do you want to be McDonalds or Morton's Steak House?

Good service has a wide range appropriate to the venue.
