Warning: concessiontrailersusa.com not trustworthy

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May 30, 2004
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Just wanted to let you all know that I contracted with Sam Phillips, who I found on this Web site back in May, to build a drive thru espresso stand for me. What a nice guy, unfortunately, nice guys can scam ya. I sent him $8050 in June and since then have received excuse after excuse. A month ago he told me it was being delivered, but it never got here. He said he would send photos, never did. Said he would refund my money last week, never did.

Thanks for the input, but can anyone backup this post up ? or has anyone else dealt with this company?
I really hope they nail his ass and you get your money back, tlhamzy. Grease-balls like that belong in jail making license plates for a long time, they and those like them are the reason business can no longer be done with a handshake
Rootin for ya, tlhamzy!!!
Sam Phillips Update

Dear Sinister703,
I didn't even see your posting till now, must not have had the right box checked to watch my topic.

Thanks very much for your support.

The Assistant DA at Oklahoma City says that Sam has many other victims throughout the US. He probably used my money to pay a former victim.

People have "strong armed" him for their money back. The brother is also involved, Jeff Phillips of Smoking-meat.com. He provides a solid reference for Sam, knowing he is wanted for violating the Consumer Protection Act.

I am going to look for the other victims and we will all get a lawyer or bounty hunter.

Sam's hearing is next week, and I have added my charges to the others.

Anyways, just an update for you.

Thanks again!
Re: Sam Phillips Update

tlhamzy said:
Dear Sinister703,
I didn't even see your posting till now, must not have had the right box checked to watch my topic.

Thanks very much for your support.

The Assistant DA at Oklahoma City says that Sam has many other victims throughout the US. He probably used my money to pay a former victim.

People have "strong armed" him for their money back. The brother is also involved, Jeff Phillips of Smoking-meat.com. He provides a solid reference for Sam, knowing he is wanted for violating the Consumer Protection Act.

I am going to look for the other victims and we will all get a lawyer or bounty hunter.

Sam's hearing is next week, and I have added my charges to the others.

Anyways, just an update for you.

Thanks again!

You guys obviously need an update... Sam went to court yesterday and was placed on probation and given 15 years to pay back the money that he owes which included Miss Hamzy and 5 others.

I am his brother and while I am in no way at all connected with his business as the Miss Hamzy tries to imply I am fully aware of the situation and have on many counts tried to steer Sam in a better direction.

I do NOT condone in any way what he did and I feel for those who lost money while doing business with him.

Before any of us knew that Sam would not be able to uphold his end of the deal I gave a character reference to Miss Hamzy and one other lady who I will refrain from mentioning in this post.

Based on past experience I truthfully told Miss Hamzy that I felt Sam would do a good job on her trailer. It never entered any of our minds including hers that there would be a problem.

I give character references all the time based on my past experience.. that is how it works for those of you who do not do this regularly. I had an obligation to be honest and that is exactly what I was... nothing but.

We have all since been very disappointed as well as shocked at the outcome of Sam's business venture.

You can believe a very upset Miss Hamzy (with good reason) or you can believe the truth.

Saying that I am involved criminally in any way, while that makes the story sound a little more juicy, I suppose, it is far from the truth. I would hope that there are a few of you that would rather have truth over what "sounds" good.

I run a very successful website at smoking-meat.com where I serve over 17000 pages per month to more than 30 countries and that is a ton of happy customers and affiliates who subscribe to my monthly newsletter.

I invite all of you to check it out sometime.

Oh and By the way... if I had of been guilty of Anything I can assure you that I would have been charged with something... I was not.

Sam has not been in business for several months now and won't be in the future so it is really not an issue other than the fact that I am a honest man with old fashioned integrity trying to defend my honour.

I held some discussion with Sam yesterday after the court hearing about changing the concessiontrailersusa.com website over to an informational site since he does have a lot of knowledge about concessions and such. I also advised him to warn web visitors about buying online and knowing who you are dealing with.

I highly recommend that all references to me be removed from these posts. I have a family and if any harm was to ever come to my family based on Miss Hamzy's incorrect statements I can assure you that this forum as well as Miss Hamzy would be held highly responsible for allowing slander.

Please feel free to validate my information with the Creek County courthouse.

If I can be of further assistance in this matter feel free to email me directly at tulsajeff@gmail.com
told you these guys were sweet talkers!

Jeff, save your breath..everyone knows in their hearts that you know Sam is a crook, and you knew it when you gave a reference. You are just as much to blame for supporting a criminal. I have it on good authority, that Sam has been involved in criminal activity since the late 1980's.

I am glad you say you are going to stop enabling your brother's criminal behaviour towards nice innocent folks just trying to start a business. But can anyone believe anything you say? They'd be fool, like I was.

Just after I sent my money, the new web site was up, in fact the date it went up is the exact date I wired my money and Sam got an 800 number. Looks like my money went in your pocket.

So, save your sweet con lies, that you and your brother are so good at, and give us all some credit.

Your brother has my MOTHER's address, from when he was pretending to send the espresso stand, and I was gonna to store it in her RV parking area. Sam also has my address. I can assure you, if anything happens to my family, you guys will be the first implicated.

Nobody has threatened your family, at least I haven't. I do know that Sam has been "strong armed" in the past and driven to the bank. It's sounding better all the time to me.

It was very funny the other day, when I called the Life Tabernacle in Tulsa, of which you had your contact info on Sam's Web site. The girl said she'd never heard of you, and then, when I said..."that's funny, I just got an email from him saying he manages your web site." and she says "oh...." and I said, (and I LOVE THIS PART) "You shouldn't lie like that, GOD doesn't like it when people lie" SHE HUNG UP.

HYPOCRITES hiding behind religion.

So, sweet talk all ya want, try to discredit me all ya want, but the fact is that you are synonymous with Sam's name at the Tulsa Police Dept. they were not surprised when I brought up your name.

So, folks, who ya gonna believe? The Tulsa Police Dept and Me? Or a sweet talking southern boy who's covering for his brother and now covering his own butt? I trust you to make the right choice, or call the Tulsa Police Dept. to verify what I've said.

Jeff, let's stop this....your words are sooo convincing, no wonder I bought your bull back when you called me to give Sam a reference.

Victim in Sacramento
Re: told you these guys were sweet talkers!

tlhamzy said:
Jeff, save your breath..everyone knows in their hearts that you know Sam is a crook, and you knew it when you gave a reference. You are just as much to blame for supporting a criminal. I have it on good authority, that Sam has been involved in criminal activity since the late 1980's.

I am glad you say you are going to stop enabling your brother's criminal behaviour towards nice innocent folks just trying to start a business. But can anyone believe anything you say? They'd be fool, like I was.

Just after I sent my money, the new web site was up, in fact the date it went up is the exact date I wired my money and Sam got an 800 number. Looks like my money went in your pocket.

So, save your sweet con lies, that you and your brother are so good at, and give us all some credit.

Your brother has my MOTHER's address, from when he was pretending to send the espresso stand, and I was gonna to store it in her RV parking area. Sam also has my address. I can assure you, if anything happens to my family, you guys will be the first implicated.

Nobody has threatened your family, at least I haven't. I do know that Sam has been "strong armed" in the past and driven to the bank. It's sounding better all the time to me.

It was very funny the other day, when I called the Life Tabernacle in Tulsa, of which you had your contact info on Sam's Web site. The girl said she'd never heard of you, and then, when I said..."that's funny, I just got an email from him saying he manages your web site." and she says "oh...." and I said, (and I LOVE THIS PART) "You shouldn't lie like that, GOD doesn't like it when people lie" SHE HUNG UP.

HYPOCRITES hiding behind religion.

So, sweet talk all ya want, try to discredit me all ya want, but the fact is that you are synonymous with Sam's name at the Tulsa Police Dept. they were not surprised when I brought up your name.

So, folks, who ya gonna believe? The Tulsa Police Dept and Me? Or a sweet talking southern boy who's covering for his brother and now covering his own butt? I trust you to make the right choice, or call the Tulsa Police Dept. to verify what I've said.

Jeff, let's stop this....your words are sooo convincing, no wonder I bought your bull back when you called me to give Sam a reference.

Victim in Sacramento

Miss Hamzy,

I think everyone knows how upset you are... you have reason to be. I mean my God! You got taken for a ride by a man halfway across the USA. No one is disputing that and I feel very bad for you as I do all of the victims.

As to criminal behaviour in the 80's... I was in highschool in the late 80's and you will have to produce some proof there... Sam left home to go to college in Wilkesboro, NC and was not seen for several years so I cannot speak for hime during that time period.

I really do not understand what you gain from trying to prove to yourself that I was somehow involved... not only is that preposterous, it shows ignorance.

I was questioned by the Tulsa police as to my brothers dealings since they could not find him... that is common knowledge. I was not involved obviously or they would have taken me to court as well.

As far as calling one of my clients, you obviously dialed a wrong number. I am the web administrator for lifetab.net and many other churches across the US. I do websites for a living on the side. I do it for money as do most other web designers.

I know for a fact that the church does not have a secretary full time.. if you talk to anyone at lifetab.net you would have to call the pastors home which I doubt you were able to find.

Calling the wrong church does not do anything except validate what I said about you being a little nutty or at least acting it.

What does calling one of my clients have to do with this anyway.. enlighten all of us please.

Why on Earth do you think that me building a website for my brother makes me somehow a part of his criminal activity? If I am guilty of the wrongdoings of all my clients then God help us all because I can assure you that some of them are probably not as perfect as you.

My brother came to me about a site BEFORE he had done anything wrong that I knew about and asked me what I would charge to design A site for his business. I did NOT give him a special deal just because he was my brother. I made him pay full price at my normal rate of 60 dollars per hour. He also was charged for any changes that I made to the site... he was a normal client and was treated as such.

Is anyone having a hard time following me on this... I can slow down if neccessary.

I have put up with this Miss Hamzy for the past several months calling me, emailing me, and acting like a general nut job.

She did not call lifetab.net or they would have known me... very well actually. It would be kind of difficult for me to answer email at webmaster@lifetab.net if I was not the administrator.

So what exactly are you trying to say Miss Hamzy? I am now hacking into their email servers and confiscating their email so I can prove that I am their web admin? That is almost funny.

You are really starting to freak me out honestly.

Feel free to call the Pastor if any of you feel the need to validate Miss Hamzy's many, many, many incorrect statements... I am not going to give out his number online since that would be non kosher but it is not that hard to find if you care to look.

Miss Hamzy, you may want to call the right number next time.

Please read the article mentioned in one of the above posts and let me know if any of you find my name anywhere... I looked high and low and was unable to locate it... I guess Miss Hamzy is seeing some fine print that the rest of us are missing.

By the way, Miss Hamzy I am holding you responsibe for all of your clients wrongdoings. Why not? You seem to think that is the right thing to do.

Miss Hamzy, you were foolish to send that much money to someone you do not know and I can imagine that you feel pretty ashamed of yourself for doing so.

You really need to look at yourself in the mirror and see the one that sent a total stranger 8000 dollars or however much it was... I was totally honest with my character reference as I always have been but I still could not understand why anyone would trust someone with that much money... character reference or not.

You can continue to live inside your pre-fabricated dream world if you like but here in the real world, web designers are not free to take down a clients' website based on allegations, web designers are not guilty of their clients wrong doings, and furthermore the case is now closed. The guilty party..Sam Phillips was given probation and made to pay back what he owes over the next 15 years... that includes you Miss Hamzy.
let's just give it a rest now, Jeff


sticks and stones or facts? what is your tool? Never mind, we all don't have time to read your sweet, sane-sounding B.S. I will waste no more energy on this, I am trying to start a business!!! I don't have to explain anything to you anymore, Jeff.
Re: let's just give it a rest now, Jeff

tlhamzy said:

sticks and stones or facts? what is your tool? Never mind, we all don't have time to read your sweet, sane-sounding B.S. I will waste no more energy on this, I am trying to start a business!!! I don't have to explain anything to you anymore, Jeff.

Wise decision for once, Miss Hamzy.

I always protest when someone tries to tear down my character. Most people do if they care about themselves at all.

That is right... the truth has prevailed (amazingly enough) in a court of law and you have nothing left to explain.

Get back to your business and leave me out of your unwise business dealings.
this is not a forum for your personal problems

Jeff, this is not a forum for your longwinded personal opinions about my character. This is a forum for the coffee business. Take your longwinded whiny soapbox offline, you have my personal email address, my address, and my phone number, so quit hiding behind this forum.

Nobody is interested in what you have to say here unless it is about the coffee business. I'm sure nobody is interested in your assesment of my character, least of all me.

I had every right to warn these folks about you two, I sure hope they appreciate it! No good deed goes unpunished!
Re: this is not a forum for your personal problems

tlhamzy said:
Jeff, this is not a forum for your longwinded personal opinions about my character. This is a forum for the coffee business. Take your longwinded whiny soapbox offline, you have my personal email address, my address, and my phone number, so quit hiding behind this forum.

Nobody is interested in what you have to say here unless it is about the coffee business. I'm sure nobody is interested in your assesment of my character, least of all me.

I had every right to warn these folks about you two, I sure hope they appreciate it! No good deed goes unpunished!

Miss Hamzy, you are defacing your own character by attempting to tear down mine. If I am a bit defensive then why not ask yourself why... read your post. You just said it again. There is NO "you two" that I know of. Sam started his own business, ran his own business and messed up his own business.

What does any of that have to do with me? Absolutely nothing!

Am I guilty of being wrong about Sam? yes and so are you... you sent him thousands of dollars I hear.

I was just as shocked, disappointed, hurt, upset as any of you at his way of handling business but like all of you, I cannot change him.

All that any of us can do is make sure we keep our own noses clean... I have my own web design business with lots of happy satisfied clients... that is made possible by specializing in honesty, integrity and a whole lot of doing exactly what I say I'll do.

All I am asking is that you accuse the correct party.. I agree with you. concessiontrailersusa.com owned by Sam Phillips is not someone you or anyone should do business with.

I on the other hand am someone who you COULD do business with time and time again and you would find yourself keep coming back because I have some integrity about the way I do business.

You guys have a great forum here and I am only here because you keep defacing my character by saying that I am a part of the concession trailer business that ripped you off.

I gave you an HONEST character reference based on my past experience with Sam... the character reference turned out to be incorrect. I was very wrong about him. I am sorry for being wrong about him but that is no reason to tear down my character.

Unless you have never been wrong about anyone then you really have no right to keep pairing us up as if we were some sort of business partners or something.

That makes YOU wrong when you do that.

Keep talking coffee and please let everyone know the REAL person and company that they need to watch out for.

Thank you in advance for doing the right thing.

I have every right in the world to defend my honour anywhere that it is being defaced... that is what people do that care about their integrity. If we handled this behind everyones back on the phone or via email then they would never know the truth now would they?

If you had "character" as you try to pretend you would pay Ms. Hamzy! She took your "word"! Your actions define your character not your words of sugar!
fiagt2 said:

If you had "character" as you try to pretend you would pay Ms. Hamzy! She took your "word"! Your actions define your character not your words of sugar!

I should pay her what? Why don't you pay her? So since you are not paying her you don't have character either?

You are just as involved as I was... I simply gave an honest character reference... I turned out to be wrong which bothers me greatly but does not make me the criminal.

Miss Hamzy does not even really believe that I am guilty of anything... she has told me several times that she would "like to believe me".

She is upset just like anyone would be, that Sam did not have the honesty and integrity to do what he said. He would not even return her phone calls and he kept telling her all of these lies about how her trailer was on the way...

So let me put this in perspective...

Let's say I eat at your restaurant and have a great experience and I recommend the restaurant to someone. That someone goes in and the food is below par, arrives cold because the chef is having a bad day.

Am I guilty of anything? I would feel bad that they did not have a good experience and I would probably never eat at your restaurant again myself but I recommended based on my good experience... what else should I have done?

I am assuming you have never given a character reference since you seem to be unaware of the fact that you have to base it on your own past experience with the person in question.

You cannot give everyone a bad reference just to cover your own butt in case they turn out to be less than you thought.

I have done business with Sam in the past and the experience has been above par. Several times actually so I would have been dishonest to give him a bad reference at that time.

Read the article again.. "a Sapulpa man was charged..." it goes on to mention his name - Sam Phillips. He was guilty as charged as the report stated... no one else was involved in any way, shape or form.

You guys need to get back to coffee and realize that Miss Hamzy was absolutely correct about ConcessionTrailersUSA.com and Sam Phillips.

She is wrong about me..quite obviously. She is very upset and that is completely understandable by anyone.

You have a wonderful day...
oh, come on!

Jeff, everytime you open your mouth you give me another reason to give more info about this case.

You called me and said that Sam did the finest workmanship you'd ever seen. You were on the phone with me for quite a while buttering me up! Miss Dawn Phillips, your Brother's (and yours?) manufactured reference said the same. She said "I bet Sam would build your espresso stand day and night to get it done on time for you, he really cares about quality ...bla bla bla" She better hope I never find her.

Then, I find out that there's a guy in Maine who Sam really did send a stand to, and the guy said it was the worst workmanship he'd ever seen, and he had to spend all kinds of money to rebuild it, he is one of the victims that filed charges agains Sam.

Now, you called me to tell me what? That Sam cares about quality? Obviously a lie lie lie. The same B.S. you are saying about yourself.

Give your jaws a rest, Jeff. Nobody is buying it. You lost all credibility, and I don't care what you say about defending your so-called honor. The fact that YOU CALLED ME when I was going to abandon any business dealings with Sam, and told me that obvious lie, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE.

Doesn't matter if you were "charged" or not, you're just slippery.

How does it feel to be held responsible for YOUR ACTIONS, Jeff? Woops, sorry I asked, don't have time for more of your long-winded B.S.
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